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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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Rocketts (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
rannon, a bill increasing the number of permanent clerks in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts; and a bill for the relief of Hopkins & Campbell, of Rockingham county; a bill allowing compensation to John Critcher, Esq., for his services in the prosecution of Samuel Hubbard, in the Circuit Court of Westmoreland county: a bill for the relief of the securities of James R. Courtney, late Sheriff of Westmoreland county; a bill to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refining Company at Rocketts, Richmond. Resolutions of Inquiry.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted and referred to the appropriate committees: By Mr. Coghill, of temporarily relieving the Orange and Alexandria Railroad Company from the payment of the amount now due the State for taxes and accrued interest on the loan heretofore made by the Commonwealth to said company; by Mr. Townes, for amending the first section of the act passed on 17th February, 1860, to provide more efficient police regulation
Morgantown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
, and such removal may meet with the approbation of the descendants of General Lee, was called up, and being read the first time was ordered to a second reading. Petition Presented and Referred.--By Mr. Wallace, the petition of citizens of Morgantown asking the passage of an act incorporating a Savings Bank in the town of Morgantown. The Banks.--The bill "for the temporary relief of the Banks of this Commonwealth," was called up, on motion of Mr. Gibson, of Hampshire. The most importaMorgantown. The Banks.--The bill "for the temporary relief of the Banks of this Commonwealth," was called up, on motion of Mr. Gibson, of Hampshire. The most important provision is that which provides "that so much of all or any acts as now may subject any Bank or Banking Corporation incorporated by the laws of this Commonwealth now in operation, or which may be put in operation whilst this act is in force, to the forfeiture of its charter, or to any other penalty for failing or refusing to pay or redeem its notes, or debts, or specie, shall be, and the same is hereby suspended until the 1st of March, 1862." The bill was read the requisite number of times a
Mecklenburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
ned — yeas 20, nays 10. House of delegates. Thursday,Jan. 24th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Chapman, of Monroe county. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the 3d Baptist Church. Bills Reported.--Bills were reported from committees, as follows: A bill imposing taxes for the support of Government; a bill to authorize the South- Side Railroad Company to build a branch road from Blacks and Whites, in the county of Nottoway into the county of Mecklenburg. Extension of the Corporate Limits.--The bill for amending the charter of the city of Richmond, and extending the corporate limits of said city, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Saunders, and being read the second time by its title, was variously amended. On motion, laid on the table. Remains of General Lee.--The bill making an appropriation for the removal of the remains of General Harry Lee, of Light Horse memory, from the cemetery of P. M. Nightingale, Esq., in the Island of C
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
relief of C. B. Hall; by Mr. Johnson, for establishing a branch Bank in the town of Liberty, in the county of Bedford; by Mr. Lynch, for incorporating a company for the manufacture of all kinds of fire-arms, to be located in or near the city of Lynchburg; by Mr. Taliaferro, for incorporating the Mount Vernon Insurance Company; by Mr. August, for making an appropriation to the Penitentiary; by Mr. Wickham, for appointing a committee to report a bill to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refines then taken up. Mr. Paxton objected to the bill. Mr. Claiborne offered a substitute. On motion of Mr. Paxton, the bill was ordered to be referred to the Committee on Roads, &c. The bill for the relief of John W. Murrill, of Lynchburg, was laid on the table. Bills Passed.--A bill providing for the payment of the expenses of a pedestal, and transporting and setting up a statue of Jefferson, and a bill for the relief of Thomas Jarvis, of Fairfax county. On motion, th
Nottoway (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
On motion, the Senate adjourned — yeas 20, nays 10. House of delegates. Thursday,Jan. 24th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Chapman, of Monroe county. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the 3d Baptist Church. Bills Reported.--Bills were reported from committees, as follows: A bill imposing taxes for the support of Government; a bill to authorize the South- Side Railroad Company to build a branch road from Blacks and Whites, in the county of Nottoway into the county of Mecklenburg. Extension of the Corporate Limits.--The bill for amending the charter of the city of Richmond, and extending the corporate limits of said city, was taken up, on motion of Mr. Saunders, and being read the second time by its title, was variously amended. On motion, laid on the table. Remains of General Lee.--The bill making an appropriation for the removal of the remains of General Harry Lee, of Light Horse memory, from the cemetery of P. M. Nighting
Washington county (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): article 18
an, referring so much of the Governor's Message as relates to the Land Office to the Committee on Finance; by Mr. Magruder, of allowing the Board of Public Works to occupy and use as part of their office the room now occupied in part by the Auditor of Public Accounts, south of and adjoining their present office, (next to the Second Auditor's office,) the Governor being required to assign such other room or rooms in the Capitol to the First Auditor, and to have them arranged according to the requirements of the public service. [Referred to a special committee.] Stay Law.--Mr. Keen called up his resolution offered yesterday, that a special committee be appointed with instructions to report a bill providing for a Stay Law. The question was on the substitute offered by Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county, directing the Committee of Courts of Justice to inquire into said subject and report thereon. The question was debated, when finally, without a vote thereon, The House adjourned.
Fairfax (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
om the Finance Committee, was then taken up. Mr. Paxton objected to the bill. Mr. Claiborne offered a substitute. On motion of Mr. Paxton, the bill was ordered to be referred to the Committee on Roads, &c. The bill for the relief of John W. Murrill, of Lynchburg, was laid on the table. Bills Passed.--A bill providing for the payment of the expenses of a pedestal, and transporting and setting up a statue of Jefferson, and a bill for the relief of Thomas Jarvis, of Fairfax county. On motion, the Senate adjourned — yeas 20, nays 10. House of delegates. Thursday,Jan. 24th, 1861. The House was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by Mr. Chapman, of Monroe county. Prayer by Rev. J. B. Jeter, of the 3d Baptist Church. Bills Reported.--Bills were reported from committees, as follows: A bill imposing taxes for the support of Government; a bill to authorize the South- Side Railroad Company to build a branch road from Blacks and Whites, in the co
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
Mr. Johnson, for establishing a branch Bank in the town of Liberty, in the county of Bedford; by Mr. Lynch, for incorporating a company for the manufacture of all kinds of fire-arms, to be located in or near the city of Lynchburg; by Mr. Taliaferro, for incorporating the Mount Vernon Insurance Company; by Mr. August, for making an appropriation to the Penitentiary; by Mr. Wickham, for appointing a committee to report a bill to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refinery, in the county of Henrico--(the committee was appointed and a bill reported;) by Mr. Dickinson, of Grayson, that so much of the Governor's Message as refers to the Penitentiary be referred to the joint committee thereon, with instructions to report. (See bills reported.) The joint resolution proposed by Mr. Thomas, of Henry, on yesterday, for an adjournment till the 18th of February, was called up, when Mr. Paxton moved to indefinitely postpone, which was adopted — yeas 20, nays 19. Bill to relieve t
Rockingham (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
ommunication from the House, announcing the passage of numerous bills, was read. Reports of Committees.--The following bills were reported by committees: By Mr. Coghill, a bill to authorize railroad companies to appoint police agents; by Mr. Logan, a bill to incorporate the Richmond City Insurance Company of Richmond; by Mr. Brannon, a bill increasing the number of permanent clerks in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts; and a bill for the relief of Hopkins & Campbell, of Rockingham county; a bill allowing compensation to John Critcher, Esq., for his services in the prosecution of Samuel Hubbard, in the Circuit Court of Westmoreland county: a bill for the relief of the securities of James R. Courtney, late Sheriff of Westmoreland county; a bill to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refining Company at Rocketts, Richmond. Resolutions of Inquiry.--The following resolutions of inquiry were adopted and referred to the appropriate committees: By Mr. Coghill, of tempora
Bedford County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 18
the payment of the amount now due the State for taxes and accrued interest on the loan heretofore made by the Commonwealth to said company; by Mr. Townes, for amending the first section of the act passed on 17th February, 1860, to provide more efficient police regulations for the watering places in this Commonwealth; by Mr. Neeson, for reporting bill 194 of the last session for the relief of C. B. Hall; by Mr. Johnson, for establishing a branch Bank in the town of Liberty, in the county of Bedford; by Mr. Lynch, for incorporating a company for the manufacture of all kinds of fire-arms, to be located in or near the city of Lynchburg; by Mr. Taliaferro, for incorporating the Mount Vernon Insurance Company; by Mr. August, for making an appropriation to the Penitentiary; by Mr. Wickham, for appointing a committee to report a bill to incorporate the Virginia Steam Sugar Refinery, in the county of Henrico--(the committee was appointed and a bill reported;) by Mr. Dickinson, of Grayson, tha
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