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he new and elegant Methodist Church--Bishop Scott, of Delaware, presiding. After reading appropriate Scripture lessons, and singing the hymn commencing "Except the Lord construct the house The best concerted schemes are vain," Revs. N. Wilson and Wm. Prettyman led in prayer. Rev. John S. Martin was elected Secretary. Rev. N. Wilson presented a memorial from the late Layman's Convention of Baltimore, on the subject of separation from the Northern Conferences. Memorials Rev. N. Wilson presented a memorial from the late Layman's Convention of Baltimore, on the subject of separation from the Northern Conferences. Memorials on the same subject were also presented from the Alexandria Quarterly Conference, from the Light Street (Baltimore) Meeting, from a member of the Kentucky Conference, and from the Frankfort Circuit Quarterly Conference. These, after a prolonged discussion as to the propriety of reference to a select committee, or to committee of the whole, were ordered to be read. After the Secretary had finished reading them, they were made the order of the day for to-morrow at 11 o'clock. The hours of 9