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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November or search for November in all documents.

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from which are now coming in.-- The cities are the strongholds of the opposition, and the larger the place the stronger their force. How much they have gained may be told in a few words. In Troy a Fusion Mayor is chosen by 240 majority. Last November Troy gave Fusion 645 majority, and last spring a Mayor of the Democratic stripe was chosen by 300 majority. In Rochester the Republican Mayor has 600 majority, last spring only 150. In Auburn, the Republican candidate for Mayor has 508 majoritority of 120 on all the ticket; Saugerties elects a Republican by 13 majority; last year a Democrat by 247.-- Mamakating, the native town of the Hon. P. C. Van Wyck, gives a Republican Supervisor over 600 majority, when, in the great struggle in November, the majority was only 221. Other towns might be named, but these will suffice. They show that in spite of the utmost efforts of an active opposition; in spite of the timid counsels of some within the camp; in spite of the usual tendency of a