Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dane or search for Dane in all documents.

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To Farmers--Negro Shoes. --Farmers and others wanting Negro Shoes are invited to call at No. 93 Main street, where will be found the largest and best assortment ever offered in Richmond. My assortment embrances, 2,000 pairs of heavy Sewed Brogans, of my own make; Men's Army Brogans; Men's high-cut do., very thick, nailed with hob nails; Dane's best thick pegged Brograns; Herrick's best thick pegged Brogans; Planters' and Dutch Boots for women, together with all other grades, suitable for servants, men, women and boys. Farmers will do well to give me a call, at No. 93 Main st. John C. Page, Jr. [ja 2]