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The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for C. De Leon or search for C. De Leon in all documents.

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Resignations, &c. --Mr. T C. De Leon, of South Carolina, a clerk in the Topographical Bureau, has resigned. Col. Phillips, of Virginia, formerly Sixth Auditor, has been removed from the clerkship of the Finance Committee of the Senate. Joseph Wilson, Commissioner of the Land Office, has been removed, and Edmonds, of Michigan, appointed in his place. Charles Welsh, Chief Clerk of the Navy Department, has resigned, and — Berrien, of New York, for some years Clerk in the Fourth Auditor's Office, succeeds him. The Senate, in executive session yesterday, confirmed the appointment of Geo. W. McClennan, Esq., as Second Assistant Postmaster General. Prof. Mason, of Tennessee, has been appointed to a vacant $1200 clerkship in the General Post-Office Department. Mr. Hutchins, lately clerk to Committee on Naval Affairs, House of Representatives, has been appointed to a $1200 clerkship in the Interior Department. Mr. Greiner, of Ohio, editor of a paper in columbus, will probably be