Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Powhatan (Virginia, United States) or search for Powhatan (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Springs and Oil Line Railroad Company; extending the limits of Fredericksburg; incorporating the Laurel Valley Coal and Oil Company, in Mason county; amending the charters of the Hampshire New Creek County and Virginia Car Springs Company; incorporating the Commonwealth's Savings Bank of Richmond; authorizing Thomas Chancellor to make a wharf on his lands; incorporating the Coal and Oil Company of Braxton county. Adverse Reports.--Senate bills for the relief of Saml. Openheimer, of Powhatan county, and for the relief of Thos. K. Davis, Sheriff of Prince William county, were reported on adversely by the Committee on Finance. Hour of Meeting.--Mr. Kemper offered a resolution that on and after Wednesday next the House meet at 10 o'clock. Adopted. The Adjutant General.--When Senate bill to "increase the pay of the Adjutant General for services rendered the State in the year 1858-59 " came up, Mr. Kemper asked that it be passed. Mr. Holloway hoped that it would be referred.