Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for N. Wilson or search for N. Wilson in all documents.

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Morrie, Morton, Neblett, Nelson, Parks, Preston. Price, Randolph, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, William C. Scott Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurieck, Strange, Sutherlin, Tredway, Robert H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Whitfleid, Wilson, and Wysor--61. So the motion to lay on the table was carried in the negative. The resolutions were then referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Order of the day. The hour of 11 having arrived, the President announced that the Convention would go into Committee of the Whole, pursuant to order. Mr. Boyd, of Botetourt, asked leave to offer an amendment to the report of the Committee on Federal Relations, but objection was made by Mr. Hall, of Marion. Mr. Wilson, of Harrison, moved that the execution of the order be suspended, to give the gentleman from Marion, (Mr. Haymond,) an opportunity of finishing his speech on the question of taxation. The motion was decided in the negative. Committee of th
is only a question of time. It will be wicked to transfer the war to Maryland. E. R. Vietch rose to a question of privilege. He read from the Baltimore American a statement that the community at Staunton were against the Methodist Church, and that the colored people supported the preacher in charge at this place. It is sent to the American by a correspondent. I will say that I don't know this writer. He is not a Methodist preacher, I know, nor a Methodist layman; but I nail it to the counter as a falsehood. The order of the day was laid over until tomorrow. Mr. Phelps, from the committee to report a committee of fifteen, to whom the memorials on division should be referred, reported as follows: A. Griffith, N. Wilson, N. Y. B. Morgan, S. S. Roszell, John Lanahan, G. W. Israel, Wm. Hirst, F. M. Ritchie, J. N. Davis, Ezra Busey, A. Burhman, John Longstreet, Jos. R. Wheeler, P. B. Smith, R. R. S. Hough. The report was adopted, and the Conference adjourned.