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The reports of the Committees on Temperance and Colonization were read and adopted. S. S. Roszel, in an amusing manner, presented to the Conference the bill of the editor of the Staunton Spectator for printing the plans presented by Messrs. Wilson, Morgan, Register and McCauley. He informed the Conference that Hon. J. Summerfield Berry had generously settled the bill for the Conference. A rising vote of thanks was moved and carried. On motion, the missionary money collected ohn S. Martin addressed the Conference at length. A sketch will be given. The committee of six, having entered the Conference room, reported as follows: the committee to whom was referred the plans of compromise submitted by brothers N. Wilson, Register and McCauley, and N. J. B. Morgan, beg leave to report that they are not able to agree upon any basis of action recommended by these several reports; but for the continuance of peace and brotherly kindness among us as a Conference
that his remark at the last Conference, in regard to Mr. Wilson, had no relation to his moral character. The order of the day. W. T. D. Clemm and A. W. Wilson addressed the Conference at length on the subject. It was moved that the Rev. N. Wilson's plan be adopted. The Bishop informed the Conference that, as is well known to all, it will be impossible for him to put this question. B. N. Brown entered his verbal protest against the action of the majority, and the allegations to anything like Abolitionism. A. Griffith, George Brooke, and Geo. W. Israel, Briefly addressed the Conference. Great excitement was felt by all in the crowded house as the vote was about to be taken on the adoption of the plan of Rev. N. Wilson. The minority gave formal notice of their protest to be entered on the Journal, and informally made it known that they did not intend to vote on the question of revolutionary separation. In the excitement it was moved to adjourn until t
Rev. Mr. Wilson's report, (the one adopted,) after citing the causes inducing the secession, gives the following resolutions: 1st. Be it Resolved, by the Baltimore Annual Conference, in Conference Assembled, That we hereby declare that the General Conference of the M. E. Church, held at Buffalo, in May, 1860, by its unconstitutional action, has sundered the ecclesiastical relation which has hitherto bound us together as one Church; that we will not longer submit to the jurisdiction of said General Conference, but hereby declare ourselves separate and independent of it. 2d. Resolved, That nevertheless, if, in accordance with the spirit of the foregoing preamble, three-fourths of the several Annual Conferences, to be held prior to December 4th, 1861, seeing the great wrong and injury done to the Baltimore and other Border Conferences, shall unite in a demand that the most thorough and satisfactory redress shall be given, and shall instruct their delegates so to vote in
[by telegraph.] Staunton, March 24--The Conference, by a majority of 83, adopted the plan of Rev. Mr. Wilson, of separation, modified. The Bishop was not in the chair. He afterwards pronounced the action void. Forty-five members declined voting, and 38 were absent.
officer of the special session of the Senate, was read and accepted. Mr. Hale introduced a resolution appointing Mr. Foote presiding officer of the special session, which was adopted, and Mr. Foote, with a few remarks, took the chair. Mr. Wilson moved that a committee of two be appointed to wait upon the President and inform him of the election of Hon. Mr. Foote as presiding officer of the Senate, which motion was agreed to, and Messrs. Wilson and Bright were appointed to discharge thaMessrs. Wilson and Bright were appointed to discharge that duty. Mr. Wade presented to the Senate the credentials of Hon. John Sherman, U. S. Senator elect from Ohio. Mr. Sherman having taken the usual oath to support the Constitution-- Mr. Simmons rose to a personal explanation, relative to the misunderstanding between him and Mr. Clingman. [This arose from the Senate report in the Baltimore Sun a few days since, referring to the legality of Mr. Clingman's election by the North Carolina Legislature.] Mr. Hale moved to take up