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Portsmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Portsmouth [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Portsmouth, May 10th, 1861 I am happy to state that the steamer Selden, of which I made previous mention, is not to be permitted to return to Old Point, but is to be retained here. This is a judicious and wise decision Yesterday afternoon I visited the Navy-Yard for the first time since that memorable Sunday morning, in the grey of which the P with the Cumberland and her crew, P and the quendam secessionist Doctor Dillard, "the sick man" at the Hospital made good their escape by a flight unmanly inglorious and wholly void of strategy flight in which they forsook all, reliquished and impregnable position, bartered their previous claim to the character of men of judgement and capacity, and followed Lincoln, the so called baboon of Illinois, the coarse and vulgarian and petty despot who is now engaged in a tyrannical warfare, whose preposterous end and aim is the subjugation of the South. Pleasant camp scenes
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Portsmouth [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Portsmouth, May 10th, 1861 I am happy to state that the steamer Selden, of which I made previous mention, is not to be permitted to return to Old Point, but is to be retained here. This is a judicious and wise decision Yesterday afternoon I visited the Navy-Yard for the first time since that memorable Sunday morning, in the grey of which the P with the Cumberland and her crew, P and the quendam secessionist Doctor Dillard, "the sick man" at the Hospital made good their escape by a flight unmanly inglorious and wholly void of strategy flight in which they forsook all, reliquished and impregnable position, bartered their previous claim to the character of men of judgement and capacity, and followed Lincoln, the so called baboon of Illinois, the coarse and vulgarian and petty despot who is now engaged in a tyrannical warfare, whose preposterous end and aim is the subjugation of the South. Pleasant camp scenes
Putnam (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
of the South. Pleasant camp scenes are daily witnessed here. For instance: The Glover Guard were drilling in the bayonet exercise; the drill officer Mr. Spilter a Frencliman and formerly Professor and Southern military school, who is said to be an expert, came on here with the companies from Georgia. Not far from the drill ground, which adjoined the Marine Barracks writen the vandals fired before their retreat are several tents occupied by the Brown Rafles, a Georgia company from Putnam county. This company had evidently been called from labor to refreshment-- though not exactly high twelve. Some were before their tents, others more exuberant to spirits were ramping, while an offer party were dancing to a gay air which one of the Briderschalt was playing on a violin. There was quite a gathering of ladies, who were enjoying the gay scene and diffusing increased interest by their presence and The young man, Wrenn, from Norfolk, who was pierced by a bayonet, and whose
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 1
ch one of the Briderschalt was playing on a violin. There was quite a gathering of ladies, who were enjoying the gay scene and diffusing increased interest by their presence and The young man, Wrenn, from Norfolk, who was pierced by a bayonet, and whose misfortune mentioned yesterday, ? am happy to say is better to-day, and hopes are entertained of his recovery. He is attended by Dr. Tunstadiol Norfolk, a skillful and popular physician of that city. Eleven hundred soldiers from Alabama reached Norfolk yesterday I am told they came through Lynchburg. They are like the Georgians fine looking men. Yesterday evening H. Matthews, a worthy and peaceable citizen of the place, was shot in the head by Stephen Pace, who was subsequently arrested, The wound is not regarded dangerous. The affair will be examined into by the authorities. John L. Porter, formerly the Naval Constructor at Pensacola, but who relieved Mr. Peck the former incumbent here, has received telegram
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 1
sited the Navy-Yard for the first time since that memorable Sunday morning, in the grey of which the P with the Cumberland and her crew, P and the quendam secessionist Doctor Dillard, "the sick man" at the Hospital made good their escape by a flight unmanly inglorious and wholly void of strategy flight in which they forsook all, reliquished and impregnable position, bartered their previous claim to the character of men of judgement and capacity, and followed Lincoln, the so called baboon of Illinois, the coarse and vulgarian and petty despot who is now engaged in a tyrannical warfare, whose preposterous end and aim is the subjugation of the South. Pleasant camp scenes are daily witnessed here. For instance: The Glover Guard were drilling in the bayonet exercise; the drill officer Mr. Spilter a Frencliman and formerly Professor and Southern military school, who is said to be an expert, came on here with the companies from Georgia. Not far from the drill ground, which adjoined th
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
quite a gathering of ladies, who were enjoying the gay scene and diffusing increased interest by their presence and The young man, Wrenn, from Norfolk, who was pierced by a bayonet, and whose misfortune mentioned yesterday, ? am happy to say is better to-day, and hopes are entertained of his recovery. He is attended by Dr. Tunstadiol Norfolk, a skillful and popular physician of that city. Eleven hundred soldiers from Alabama reached Norfolk yesterday I am told they came through Lynchburg. They are like the Georgians fine looking men. Yesterday evening H. Matthews, a worthy and peaceable citizen of the place, was shot in the head by Stephen Pace, who was subsequently arrested, The wound is not regarded dangerous. The affair will be examined into by the authorities. John L. Porter, formerly the Naval Constructor at Pensacola, but who relieved Mr. Peck the former incumbent here, has received telegram to repair to Montgomery. Mr. Porter a native of this city, and
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
ty, and followed Lincoln, the so called baboon of Illinois, the coarse and vulgarian and petty despot who is now engaged in a tyrannical warfare, whose preposterous end and aim is the subjugation of the South. Pleasant camp scenes are daily witnessed here. For instance: The Glover Guard were drilling in the bayonet exercise; the drill officer Mr. Spilter a Frencliman and formerly Professor and Southern military school, who is said to be an expert, came on here with the companies from Georgia. Not far from the drill ground, which adjoined the Marine Barracks writen the vandals fired before their retreat are several tents occupied by the Brown Rafles, a Georgia company from Putnam county. This company had evidently been called from labor to refreshment-- though not exactly high twelve. Some were before their tents, others more exuberant to spirits were ramping, while an offer party were dancing to a gay air which one of the Briderschalt was playing on a violin. There was qu
From Portsmouth [special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Portsmouth, May 10th, 1861 I am happy to state that the steamer Selden, of which I made previous mention, is not to be permitted to return to Old Point, but is to be retained here. This is a judicious and wise decision Yesterday afternoon I visited the Navy-Yard for the first time since that memorable Sunday morning, in the grey of which the P with the Cumberland and her crew, P and the quendam secessionist Doctor Dillard, "the sick man" at the Hospital made good their escape by a flight unmanly inglorious and wholly void of strategy flight in which they forsook all, reliquished and impregnable position, bartered their previous claim to the character of men of judgement and capacity, and followed Lincoln, the so called baboon of Illinois, the coarse and vulgarian and petty despot who is now engaged in a tyrannical warfare, whose preposterous end and aim is the subjugation of the South. Pleasant camp scenes
H. F. Butt (search for this): article 1
d as hypercritical to complain. But even in this case, it is a hard measure to move competent men who have borne the heat and burden of the day in expending their efforts to raise and organize companies, and then to be displaced from positions for which they have been acknowledged as qualified But it becomes doubly grievous when they are displaced by appointees who stand in the same relation to a military education as they. But why remove the medical officers? It is influentially questioning their ability, though in such cases it is simply making way for some favorite or friend, or friend's friend. I learn that the officers of the 3d Regiment of Volunteers raised in this city and vicinity, are to be superceded from the present Colonel, who has always manitested a lively interest in it from its origin down to the present time. I learned yesterday that the surgeon, Doctor H. F. Butt, of this city, is to be superceded by Doctor Dann, of Petersburg. Why is this? Old Dominion.
an of that city. Eleven hundred soldiers from Alabama reached Norfolk yesterday I am told they came through Lynchburg. They are like the Georgians fine looking men. Yesterday evening H. Matthews, a worthy and peaceable citizen of the place, was shot in the head by Stephen Pace, who was subsequently arrested, The wound is not regarded dangerous. The affair will be examined into by the authorities. John L. Porter, formerly the Naval Constructor at Pensacola, but who relieved Mr. Peck the former incumbent here, has received telegram to repair to Montgomery. Mr. Porter a native of this city, and received the appointment of Naval Constructor a few year ago. He left in the train this morning. It is not one of the steamers under the Ape's automation of the Cumberland — who obey orders — took off from the Bay shore seven negroes, fishermen, casting their nets.--what honorable men can consent to serve with freedom, fervency and zeal," such a robber band — such a piratica<
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