Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Patrick Haley or search for Patrick Haley in all documents.

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lock, and found true bills against Caroline Cates, Caroline Carr, Elizabeth Beatty, Eliza Ann Johnson, David H. Hughes, John Delworth, and Richard Morris, alias Johnson, for misdemeanors. The Grand Jury then adjourned till this morning at 12 o'clock, when witnesses will be prompt in attendance. A German, by the name of Julius Saeft was examined for stabbing Philip Lange and August Wittsorf, and discharged, it being proven to the satisfaction of the Court that the prisoner acted in self-defence. A fine of ten dollars and the costs of prosecution was imposed on Mrs. Eliza Van-Lew, for permitting her slave to go at large. Patrick Haley, from Rockingham county, charged with stealing a horse, of the value of $125, from Jno.N. Hill, of Harrisonburg, was examined and discharged. Joseph Parrish and William Kinsey, who were convicted some months since before the Court and sentenced to pay fines, were discharged, the Court being satisfied that they were utterly insolvent.