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Confederates, who greatly praised his heroism. I have just brought his cap and spurs from the Zouave camp. Two Zouaves died prisoners, viz: Benjamin F. Hopper and Joseph S. Taylor, nephew of Moses Taylor. The Confederates represented that they had other prisoners whom they were willing to exchange. Captain Phillips has to day visited the Fortress with a flag of truce in reference to the same. There was an alarm last night. The whole garrison turned out. General Butler and Quartermaster Tallmadge have this evening gone to Newport News. Reconnoissances have been made from Fortress Monroe and Newport News. It is reported that Jefferson Davis was at Richmond last week. The weather continues hot. The thermometer stood yesterday at 92 in the shade. Account by a Zouavr who was there. One of the Zouaves from New York, who participated in the fight at Great Bethel, thus describes what he saw: The centre and right of the skirmishers kept moving on until