Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 3, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January, 1 AD or search for January, 1 AD in all documents.

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State interest paid. --On Saturday last there were sent from the State Treasury of Virginia to New York, the sum of $46,000 in specie funds, to pay interest on State bonds due in London on the 1st of January, on £370,000 five per cent. sterling bonds.
New York sold on Saturday at 4 ½ per cent. prem; on Philadelphia 4, and on Baltimore 3@3 ½. God was quoted at the extremes of 3@5 percent, prem.; silver do. North and South Carolina Bank notes 5 per cent. below par. Uncurrent Virginia (solvent) Bank notes were 1 ½ @3 per cent. discount.--Money condones easier. On Saturday last there were sent from the State Treasury of Virginia to New York, the sum of $46.000, in specie funds, to pay the interest on State bonds due in London on the 1st of January, on £370,000 five per cent, sterling bonds. We quote money easier; but trade is still under a sort of paralysis. Merchants are eking out their stocks by buying from each other, and no orders are sent that can possibly be avoided. This is in no spirit, simply of retaliation on the North, as in the case of the excitement immediately after the John Brown raid; but is prompted by a deep and conviction that a crisis is at hand of a nature that warns all against increasing their obliga