Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tallmadge or search for Tallmadge in all documents.

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nnon struck the corner of the rebel magazine. It scattered the rebels like a bolt from heaven, and came near producing an explosion. The batteries have consequently been moved from their former position. The rebels are not safe within four miles of this terrible projectile. Many pieces of artillery in the fortress are being rifled. The Union gun is also being mounted. The Roads swam with shipping, and immense storehouses are in process of erection for Government supplies. Quartermaster Tallmadge will, in a few days, receive five hundred additional horses for the use of the army, and complete camp and garrison equipage for ten thousand men. The worthless garments of the New York volunteers will soon be exchanged for substantial United States uniforms. Several wharves and a short railroad are also being constructed, and altogether, Old Point presents a lively appearance. Last evening there was a very brilliant reception on board the Cumberland. There is another flag of