Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Surry or search for Surry in all documents.

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Personal. --Among the arrivals at the Exchange yesterday, were R. H. McKim, Balt.; Col. Croghan, Wise Legion; O. B. Funston, Clarks; C. B. Ball, Loundon; S. W. Ficklin, Charlottesville; Wm. Allen, Surry; W. P. Regburn, N. C.; G. H. Shorter, Ala.--At the Spottswood, Commodore Tatnall, Ga; Otey Bradford, Virginia Marine Corps; H. G. Geiger, N. O.; Col. George Coppens, of French Zouave Regiment at Yorktown.