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United States (United States) 42 0 Browse Search
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France (France) (search for this): article 21
flower-pots to be placed in the windows. No carpets to be shaken after 10 A. M. No water to be carried up stairs after 9 A. M. No marketing, groceries, or other household necessaries to be brought by shop men or errand boys after 10 A. M. No dogs, cats, parrots, &c., to be kept by tenants. Gas in the stairway turned off at 11 P. M., and tenants coming in after midnight to pay the concierge (house-porter) ten sons indemnity. There is one stipulation made, a sine quanon by some landlords, which is much more extraordinary than any of those above cited. "Children are prohibited" That is to say, if the family proposing to lease the apartments be not entirely composed of adults, it is refused admission If all the landlords in France should, in the plentitude of their tyranny, determine to adopt this singular clause in a business contract, the French Government would soon be able to furnish a plausible reason for the decrease in the population of the country.