Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Tallmadge or search for Tallmadge in all documents.

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safety. A flag of truce came down this morning from Norfolk to make inquiries concerning several Confederate officers whom the Confederates supposed to be imprisoned here; among others Col. Pegram. It is reported that one of General Magruder's captains penetrated within our lines of pickets at Newport News, and has declared that the place is too strong to be attacked. One thousand rations are now issued to the "contraband" at Old Point Their services are invaluable to Quartermaster Tallmadge, who provides for their various wants. They work with alacrity. The captain and mate of the wrecked English bark "Glory," from Rio for Baltimore, with a large cargo of coffee, came from Norfolk with the flag of truce. They sympathize strongly with the Confederates. It is more than probable that the "Glory" was purposely lost, as the cargo was saved and sold at twice the ordinary price. As the encouragement for this manner of avoiding the blockade, the Confederates paid