Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Patrick Haley or search for Patrick Haley in all documents.

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Ordinance Violations. --The Mayor yesterday imposed fines upon the following parties, for violating ordinances of the city: A. Staude, $5, for keeping his bar-room open on Sunday, the 13th inst. D. H. Brotherton & Co., $2 for selling cigars at their store on Sunday. E. Ellis, $5, for allowing persons to enter his bar-room through a back alley, on Sunday, for the purpose of imbibing. Patrick Haley, summoned for a similar offence, was discharged.--Hundley & Cance, $5, for employing an unlicensed vehicle on the streets. Wm. Gotze appeared to answer a like summons, but assured the Mayor that he used his wagon for the sole purpose of conveying confectionery, of his own manufacture, about the city, being under the impression that no license was required.--To convinced him of his error, the Mayor read the law, which we quote for the benefit of others: "A license shall be taken out by the owner of every wagon, dray, or cart, which is employed on any street of this city, in t