Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 16, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Mason or search for John Mason in all documents.

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y regiments of this great army are cavalry and three artillery. Commands assigned. General Heintzelman is assigned to the command af a division in Virginia, comprising the brigades of Generals Sedgwick, Richardson, and Butterfield. Gen. John Newton is assigned to a brigade under Gen. Franklin. Col. Sir John De Courcy, distinguished in the Crimean war, has been commissioned by Governor Dennison Colonel of the Sixty-ninth Ohio regiment, and will leave to-morrow to take command. Capts. John Mason and Crook, of the regular army, are also to have Ohio Colonelcies. Postal Deficits of the seceded States. The following statement exhibits the financial relation of post-offices in seceded States and parts of States to the Post-Office Department on October 1, 1861: Dr. Balance in hands of Postmasters, April 1, 1861 $277,401 23 Stamps and envelopes sent subsequently 121,554 68 Total $398,955 91 Ca. Stamps and envelopes returned $38,767 92 Deposi
McClellan going under. --The Cincinnati Commercial is of opinion that McClellan has been out-generaled by Beauregard, and it is pretty evident that the former is doomed to the fate of those of his predecessors who have fallen under the ban of Black Republican condemnation. The Commercial says: Events may speedily demonstrate that the commander of the army of the Potomac has been completely out-generaled by Beauregard; that the occupation of Munson's and Mason's hills, and the other advance positions from which the rebels have fallen back, was a feint to cover up important movements in other quarters; that, having served their purpose, these positions were abandoned, not from fear of a flank movement, not because the rebels were awe-stricken by the immense preparations going on in front of them, but because no object could be served by holding them an hour longer. While the army of the Potomac has been intently watching the progress of their entrenchments and daily expec