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Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) 40 0 Browse Search
United States (United States) 34 0 Browse Search
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) 30 2 Browse Search
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) 28 0 Browse Search
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Fort Warren (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 6
. 11. --The Superintendent of the Government detective police, assisted by detective Benj. Franklin, of Philadelphia, and Mr. Lawrence of Washington, arrested to day John Renwick, son of Robt. Renwick, of this city, and now a prisoner in Fort Warren, for treason. The promises, which are Nos. 90 and 92 North Howard street, were searched for arms, and notwithstanding two previous unsuccessful searches had been made by the police here, the officers to-day found a number of valuable rifles and carbines secreted between the partition of the stalls of a stable attached to the promises. Young Renwick goes to Fort Warren to-night. The rifles were valuable arms, from the Government works, and stamped "Harper's Ferry, 1880." Mutiny in a Pennsylvania regiment. Philadelphia, Nov. 11. --There was a disturbance to day in one of the volunteer regiments reconiting in this city, which threatened s ri our results but ended without bloodshed. The company, composed
Schuylkill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 6
ines secreted between the partition of the stalls of a stable attached to the promises. Young Renwick goes to Fort Warren to-night. The rifles were valuable arms, from the Government works, and stamped "Harper's Ferry, 1880." Mutiny in a Pennsylvania regiment. Philadelphia, Nov. 11. --There was a disturbance to day in one of the volunteer regiments reconiting in this city, which threatened s ri our results but ended without bloodshed. The company, composed of the Schuylkill Ringers, were recently transferred from Col. Con. way's defunct regiment to Col. Staunton's regiment, encamped at Carnac's wood, to which about 40 of the company rebelled and refused to obey orders. To-day they utinied, and left the after threatening the life of Col. Staunton. The latter followed them with a portion of his regiment, overtook them at the corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, made them lay down their arms, and placed about 20 of the ringleaders in jail. Capture o
Hanersville (Ohio, United States) (search for this): article 6
n troops stationed there, only about 50 escaped; the rest were killed or taken prisoners. The rebels, both male and female, fired from the houses on our men. Three steamers, which passed down last night, were compelled to put back. These steamers went back to Guyandotte at ten o'clock this morning with 400 Unionists, from Point Pleasant, but nothing has been heard from them since. Three steamers have passed up since the skirmish, and report not a person to be seen in town. Gallipolis, Ohio, Nov. 11, P. M. --The steamer Empire City has just arrived from Guyandotte The rebel portion of the inhabitants, it appears, were looking for the attack, and had a supper prepared for the rebel cavalry, who were headed by the notorious Jenkins, and numbered eight hundred. Eight of our men were killed an a considerable number wounded and taken prisoners. The rebel loss is not known. Col. Ziegler's Fifth Virginia regiment, on its arrival fired the town, and the principal part is
Beaufort, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 6
he ringleaders in jail. Capture of the English schooners Harmony and severely off the coast of North Carolina--Southerners enlist (under Compulsion) as seamen. The New York Times publishes a letter from a correspondent on board the U. S. bark Gemsbok, Nov. 4, from which we take the following: The United States bark Gemsbok, Lieut. Edward Cavendy commanding, left Hampton Roads on the 17th of September, bound for Wilmington, N. C., on the blockade. On the 19th of Sept., off Beaufort, N. C., captured the English schooner Harmony, from Yardmouth, Nova Scotia, loaded with fish, trying to run the blockade. On the 22d Sept., off Frying Pan Shoal, captured the schooner Mary A. Pludar, of Wilmington, N. C., loaded with lime. After which we stood in for New inlet, disguised the ship as a merchant ship, and hoisted the jack for a pilot; after which two pilots came off in a boat.--Coming close along side, the Captain hailed them, and told them to come on board quick; that there w
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 6
ct regiment to Col. Staunton's regiment, encamped at Carnac's wood, to which about 40 of the company rebelled and refused to obey orders. To-day they utinied, and left the after threatening the life of Col. Staunton. The latter followed them with a portion of his regiment, overtook them at the corner of Broad and Chestnut streets, made them lay down their arms, and placed about 20 of the ringleaders in jail. Capture of the English schooners Harmony and severely off the coast of North Carolina--Southerners enlist (under Compulsion) as seamen. The New York Times publishes a letter from a correspondent on board the U. S. bark Gemsbok, Nov. 4, from which we take the following: The United States bark Gemsbok, Lieut. Edward Cavendy commanding, left Hampton Roads on the 17th of September, bound for Wilmington, N. C., on the blockade. On the 19th of Sept., off Beaufort, N. C., captured the English schooner Harmony, from Yardmouth, Nova Scotia, loaded with fish, trying to ru
Halifax (Canada) (search for this): article 6
tates bark Gemsbok, Lieut. Edward Cavendy commanding, left Hampton Roads on the 17th of September, bound for Wilmington, N. C., on the blockade. On the 19th of Sept., off Beaufort, N. C., captured the English schooner Harmony, from Yardmouth, Nova Scotia, loaded with fish, trying to run the blockade. On the 22d Sept., off Frying Pan Shoal, captured the schooner Mary A. Pludar, of Wilmington, N. C., loaded with lime. After which we stood in for New inlet, disguised the ship as a merchant shipk, exclaimed, "We are on a United States man-of-war." After expressing a willingness to support the United States, they took the oath of allegiance and were rated ordinary seamen. On the 3d of October captured the English schooner Beverly, from Halifax, off Wilmington, N. C., loaded, with dry goods, fish, &c. On the 19th of October, captured the English brig Ariel, from Liverpool, off Wilmington, N. C., loaded with salt, &c. Arrived at Hampton Roads October 30, for officers and men. The Gemsbo
Point Pleasant (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
. Gallipolis, Ohio, Nov. 11. --Guyandotte, Va., on the Ohio river, thirty-six miles below here, was attacked last night by 600 rebels, and out of 150 Union troops stationed there, only about 50 escaped; the rest were killed or taken prisoners. The rebels, both male and female, fired from the houses on our men. Three steamers, which passed down last night, were compelled to put back. These steamers went back to Guyandotte at ten o'clock this morning with 400 Unionists, from Point Pleasant, but nothing has been heard from them since. Three steamers have passed up since the skirmish, and report not a person to be seen in town. Gallipolis, Ohio, Nov. 11, P. M. --The steamer Empire City has just arrived from Guyandotte The rebel portion of the inhabitants, it appears, were looking for the attack, and had a supper prepared for the rebel cavalry, who were headed by the notorious Jenkins, and numbered eight hundred. Eight of our men were killed an a considerable number
United States (United States) (search for this): article 6
) as seamen. The New York Times publishes a letter from a correspondent on board the U. S. bark Gemsbok, Nov. 4, from which we take the following: The United States bark Gemsbok, Lieut. Edward Cavendy commanding, left Hampton Roads on the 17th of September, bound for Wilmington, N. C., on the blockade. On the 19th of Septere was a cruiser off shore, and he must get in that night. After this the pilots came on board, and, seeing the guns and men on deck, exclaimed, "We are on a United States man-of-war." After expressing a willingness to support the United States, they took the oath of allegiance and were rated ordinary seamen. On the 3d of OctobeUnited States, they took the oath of allegiance and were rated ordinary seamen. On the 3d of October captured the English schooner Beverly, from Halifax, off Wilmington, N. C., loaded, with dry goods, fish, &c. On the 19th of October, captured the English brig Ariel, from Liverpool, off Wilmington, N. C., loaded with salt, &c. Arrived at Hampton Roads October 30, for officers and men. The Gemsbok is armed with four sixty eight p
Milton (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 6
bitants, it appears, were looking for the attack, and had a supper prepared for the rebel cavalry, who were headed by the notorious Jenkins, and numbered eight hundred. Eight of our men were killed an a considerable number wounded and taken prisoners. The rebel loss is not known. Col. Ziegler's Fifth Virginia regiment, on its arrival fired the town, and the principal part is now in ashes. The rebels left about an hour before the arrival of Col. Ziegier. Brilliant skirmish near Kansas city. Kansas City, Nov. 11. --This morning, at ten o'clock, Col. Anthony, with one hundred and fifty men, was attacked on an open prairie, about ten miles from this place, by six hundred rebels, under the command of. Upton Hayes, and after a desperate struggle the rebels retreated, seeking shelter in the woods, from which they were again routed. Col. Anthony then fell back about six miles to await reinforcements, which will speedily be forwarded to him. This is supposed to be the
California (California, United States) (search for this): article 6
hose heads were decked with hiding plumes of white, corresponding with others on the top of the vehicle. A groom, in deep mourning, accompanied each horse. With Birgfeld's brass band at its head, playing the Dead March in Saul, the procession then got in motion. It passed through dense crowds of people along the entire route. Obsequies in New York. The Herald, of the 12th, says: The funeral ceremonies consequent upon the departure of the remains of Colonel E. D. Baker for California took place yesterday forenoon. The body having lain in state in the Governor's room, at the City Hall, during the whole of Sunday, upwards of twenty thousand persons availed themselves of the opportunity of gazing upon the countenance of the deceased, which had been unveiled for that special purpose. Yesterday morning, long before the hour appointed for the funeral procession to form, an immense crowd had congregated in the Park to catch a last glimpse of the coffin which contained the h
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