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night police--1st, L. R. Carter; 2d, Caleb Crone; 3d, J. B. Pleasants. The following officers were also re-elected: W. Gill, City Engineer; Luther R. Reins, Keeper of the Powder Magazine; Robert H. Higgins, Overseer of the City Hands; John Talman, Inspector of Coal Carts, &c.; Wm. J. Epps, Messenger of the Council. Committee on the Old Church Square — W. Richardson, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. Palmer. A portion of the Mayor's communication, relative to the employment of counsel for Wm. N. Kelley in a suit growing out of the descent upon the gambling houses, &c., was laid upon the table. Mr. Grattan offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the sum of $5,000 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the support of the families of volunteers now in the service, from the city of Richmond, the same to be applied through the instrumentality of the Committee of the Soldiers' Aid Fund; and the Auditor is directed to draw on the treasury of this city in favor of said