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United States (United States) | 50 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: December 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 9 total hits in 6 results.
Craney Island (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
Jack Smith (search for this): article 2
Editors (search for this): article 2
John Williams (search for this): article 2
the Apprehended attack on Norfolk — Movements of the Federal fleet-- a good invention — release of John Williams, &c.
Norfolk, Dec. 17, 1861.
During the past week it was widely rumored that Norfolk would surely be attacked.
Indeed, so sanguine were some that the prediction would come true, bets were freely made; but as yet they have not made their appearance.
Nor is it probable they will for some time to come, as they are little disposed to undertake an adventure to o nate brethren in Charleston.
Appointments were made in the several wards to collect funds, and no doubt a good sum will be realized.
This heavy calamity upon the good citizens of Charleston must excite the deepest sympathy of us all.
Mr. John Williams, whose arrest and imprisonment in Fort Lafayette has been mentioned, we are glad to say has been released, and is now with his family in Baltimore.
He is under bonds for $10,000 not to return again to Virginia, or take up arms against the
December 17th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 2
the Apprehended attack on Norfolk — Movements of the Federal fleet-- a good invention — release of John Williams, &c.
Norfolk, Dec. 17, 1861.
During the past week it was widely rumored that Norfolk would surely be attacked.
Indeed, so sanguine were some that the prediction would come true, bets were freely made; but as yet they have not made their appearance.
Nor is it probable they will for some time to come, as they are little disposed to undertake an adventure to our city, fraught as it would be with such dangerous consequences.
The heavy firing of yesterday was merely the practicing of heavy ordnance.
When the wind is from the North the sound is very distinct, but when from the South, to us it is sometimes scarcely audible.
We were recently shown a new invention in the way of a splendid rifle cannon, which far surpasses anything of the kind we have ever seen.
It was made in Petersburg, and from the name of its maker, receives the name of the "July
July (search for this): article 2