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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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August, 1 AD (search for this): article 23
the surrender of Mason and Slidell. Mr. Vallandigham replied to the charge made by his colleague. Washington, Jan. 8.-- Senate.--Mr. Powell presented the resolutions of the Legislature of Kentucky, asking that Senators procure the repeal en for the systematic exchange of prisoners. Latest from Western Virginia--reported Federal success. Cincinnati, January 8. --A special dispatch from Huttonsville, Va., says that Gen. Milroy's expedition, under Capt. Lacy, in Tucker counis wound. He has never quite recovered since he was struck down at Philippi. From the upper Potomac. Frederick, Jan. 8. --There is no new movement here or up the river. It is believed that Jackson has been joined by Generals Andersonrain proceeded on to Hartford. Latest from Cairo — Federal reconnaissance--Mature of a Confederate Major. Cairo, Jan. 8. --Flag Officer Foote, with the gun-boats Essex, Lexington, and Tyler, made a reconnaissance down the Mississippi y
nder order No. 24, Gen. Halleck has appointed a new Board of Assessors to revise the old list, and make such changes as they may deem proper. All other proceedings will be in accordance with the original order, and the Board are enjoined to assess no individual unjustly, as there will be no farther appeal from their decision. The is no doubt that Wm. A. Hall, is elected to Congress from the Third, and Thomas S. Price from the Fifth district. The demand Treasury notes. Washington, Jan. --The bill matured by the Committee of Ways and Means, authorizing the issue of demand Treasury notes, provided that, for temporary purposes the Secretary be authorized to issue on the credit of the United States, $100,000,000 of them, and bearing interest, payable generally without specifying any place or time of payment, and of such denominations as he may deem expedient not loss than $5 each; and such notes and all other Treasury notes payable on demand, and bearing interest, that ha
July, 1 AD (search for this): article 23
l be the most important in its results of any that has yet been sent out. Congressional proceedings. Washington, Jan. 7. --Senate.--On motion of Mr. Sherman, the bill to increase the number of Cadets at West Point was taken up, the que McDougall. In connection with the above, the New York correspondent of the Baltimore Clipper, under date of January 7th, says: In consequence of the allegation on the part of Senator McDougal, of California, that Gen. Shields was a Smatter will end. State of Affairs in Missouri--burning of Austin — Exasperation of Union men, &c. Sedalia, Mo., Jan. 7. --An express messenger from Col. Nugent's regiment, stationed at West Point, in Bates county, arrived here yesterd Col. Thayer, of the First Nebraska regiment, at Georgetown, who promptly dispatched a party in pursuit. St. Louis, Jan. 7.--In consequence of disproportionate assessment having been made on the Secessionists of this city, under order No. 24, G
January 6th, 1862 AD (search for this): article 23
ps are all comfortable, and make no complaints of hardships. A report is current at Wheeling, that the enemy's forces were in full retreat from Hancock. Gen. Shields and Senator M'Dougall--a Duel on the Tapis. A card was recently published in the Northern journals from General Shields, pronouncing "utterly false" an allegation of Senator McDougall, of California, that he (Shields) was a Secessionist. The Senator is out in the following rejoinder: Astor House, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1862. I am advised that a question has been made concerning a statement made by me at Jacksonville, Illinois. Not having the paper making that statement before me, I can only now repeat what I proposed to state at Jacksonville. What I then intended to say was that Mr. James Shields, in the fall of 1860, stated to me at San Francisco, California, that he approved the secession of the Southern (cotton) States; that he thought they had just cause for secession, that the South had both the
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