Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 30, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January, 1 AD or search for January, 1 AD in all documents.

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European items. A French opinion of American Affairs.[from the Paris Soicle, Jan. 1. We do not flatter ourselves with the hope that 1862 will bring us the solution of the American crisis. Unionists, and separatists, federal and Confederates, abolitionists and partisans of slavery, at the commencement of a struggle which has given rise to all those barbarous neologisms, cannot all at once lay down their arms. But what will war effect? Why make the gulf between them wider and wider? Is a return to peaceful discussion possible? Are the respective pretensions of the North and of the South of such a nature that they cannot be beneficially examined by the eminent men of the different States or by impartial mediators? Mediation, which certain journals have rejected as visionary, we still regard as the sole means, not only of putting an end to the internal discords of the great American Republic but also of preventing a war between England and the United States, which number am
English business and the blockade. --The London Economist seems to exhibit a positive regret that a rupture is averted between England and the United States, for the reason that the blockade now will be kept up and cotton will have to stay where it is. The Economist is the organ of the stock jobbers, the manufactures, and the railway speculators. It says that the manufacturers had on hand January 1st a stock of 700,000 bales. Working on an average of two-thirds time, or not quite four days, the weekly consumption of English mills is estimated at 80,000 bales.