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nt boundaries of the Commonwealth. Under the resolution dividing the Senators into three classes, whose terms shall be, respectively, of two years, four years, and six years, the ballots were drawn with the following result: Terms of present Senators. Alabama.--C. C. Clay, 2 years; W. L. Yancey, 6 years. Arkansas--Mr. Johnson, 2 years; Mr. Mitchell, 6 years. Florida--Mr. Baker, 2 years; Mr. Maxwell, 4 years. Georgia.--Mr. Toombs, 2 years; Mr. Hill, 6 years. Kentucky.--Mr. Simms, 2 years; Mr. Burnett, 6 years. Louisiana--Mr. Semmes, 4 years; Mr. Sparrow, 6 years. Mississippi.--Mr. Phelan, 2 years; Mr. Brown, 4 years. Missouri.--Mr. Clarke, 2 years; Mr. Peyton, 4 years. North Carolina.--Mr. Davis, 2 years; Mr. Dorisch, 4 years. South Carolina.--Mr. Barnwell, 4 years; Mr. Orr 6 years. Tennessee.--Mr. Henry, 4 years; Mr. Haines, 6 year's. Texas.--Mr. Wigfall, 4 years; Mr. Oldham, 6 years. Virginia.--Mr. Preston, 4 years; Mr. Hunter, 6 years. Adjourned.