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The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Old Son Jefferson or search for Old Son Jefferson in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1862., [Electronic resource], Sketches of "captured rebel Generals." (search)
thren and the sagacious measures adoproff by the Government. Last all, Gen. Johnston was put in command of the rebel soldiers in the Department of Kentucky and Missouri, and invested with potentially authority to control all the which he hold at the time steamboat on the Red river, La., and killed was at the time in the United States Senate from that State, was the second of Mr. Clay in the Gen Wise John Randolph, and was a man of the most unusual abilities Holds General Old Son Jefferson This is divided at both rebel garrison of Fort Donelson. We cannot call to mind a men whose the public than this been entitled to consideration. Some native the Tennessee. "His" mystery effect commenced during the war with Texas, having been appointed to W Brigadier by Folk. His first large of Camargo, where he war ordered L his commend to or but works for the defense of that place the throwing up those works he built his ditch in the interior of the parapet — a fact that