Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James B. Pleasants or search for James B. Pleasants in all documents.

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endent of Streets: Washington Gill224124176 G. H. Epps22410138 High Gonstable: Geo. A. Freeman218324366 City Ganger: Richard Fox221321363 Grain Measurer: Henry Davis221332368 Manager Poor-House: Jno Pearce223322364 Captain Night Watch: J. B. Pleasants13180153 L. M. Carter6295107 Richard Reins21148109 L. M. Jude13511 A. Jenkins00001 Jefferson Ward.--Hustings Court--A. F. Picot 210, Wm. Taylor 216, N. M. Lee 186, E. A. J. Clopton 214, Richard D. Sanxay 214; scattering 32. Council t--N. C. Lipscomb 366, W. W. Timberlake 362, J. F. Regnault 362, C. E. Anderson 364, J. W. Beveridge 360. Council — D. J. Saunders 359, S D. Denoon 352, L. W. Glazebrook 364, Thos. C. Epps 359, W. C. Allen 1. The contest for the Captaincy of the Night Watch was conducted very quietly. In the whole city, L. M. Carter received 264 votes, Richard Reins 278--a majority of 14. James B. Pleasants, for the same office, received 364 votes — an excess of 86 over Reins — and is therefore elec