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Buckingham county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
hn H Hoffman, Shenandoah Co, dead; Abner A Cornett, 37th reg't, Co H; Michael Corbin, Irish battalion; J P Armstrong, 4th regt, Co I; Howard Fisher, 27th regt, Co E; James Dugeon, Irish battalion; H F Neillo, 17th regt, Co C; Richard Pencan, 21st regt, Co G; Flerson; John Colburn, 33d regt, co B; Capt R C No non, Maryland, dead; Harris Towner, 2d regiment, dead; Michael Moriarty;--Pierson. At Newtown.--P G Eubank, Charlotte co; John Pine, 27th reg't, Alleghany county; Hy Scruggs, Buckingham county; John Yowell, Frederick county; Geo N. Gall, Washington county Md; Jacob Sperow, 21 reg't, Berkley county; W H Bird, Rock Artillery, Lexington; Chas W Bingham, 4th reg't, Capt Wade's co; Geo A McCoy, 4th reg't, Capt Newby's co; --Reed, 42d reg't. List of dead. Seventy-seven buried on the battle field — names not known John J Widner, co F, 37th Va; Jas H Payne, company and residence unknown; one unknown; M Bucker, Captain Holliday's co; R Ho p lluas, Lee; W Grubb, Capt Neilson's
Bedford County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
stern Virginia; Capt John Pittmac, Shenandoah; Jos Spence, 4th reg't; Geo Ship, 33d reg't; W J Bell, 4th reg't, Augusta; Fielding Wright, 4th reg't; W Holland, 27th reg't; Lt George E Neill; 27th reg't; Jno Moore, 21st reg't, White Sulphur Springs; Ro Grace, 33d reg't, Hampshire; James Daily, 33d reg't, Hampshire; Lt P S Hagey, 37th reg't; Thos Spindle, 4th reg't, Montgomery; T Smith, 4th reg't, Montgo'ry; R B Roye, 2d regiment; Charles Thomas Washington co; Winfield T Jones, 42d regiment Bedford; W A Kilgore, 37th regiment; Cornelins Shea, Irish battalion; Samuel McVeigh, Washington co; Jas McVeigh, Washington co; John Wright, 4th regiment; Jos Silvers, 27th regiment, Allegheny; The Orpheus Hawkins, John Howard, Charlotte; L H Barnett, 2d regiment; S G Hansberger, 33d regiment; E W Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Thos H Hendricks, 4rd regiment; Campbell; J W Blanks, 21st regiment, Pittsylvania; Dennis Morjarty, Irish battalion; W W Buchanan, 37th regiment, Washington co; Jos F Slov
Hampshire (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 23
Pittmac, Shenandoah; Jos Spence, 4th reg't; Geo Ship, 33d reg't; W J Bell, 4th reg't, Augusta; Fielding Wright, 4th reg't; W Holland, 27th reg't; Lt George E Neill; 27th reg't; Jno Moore, 21st reg't, White Sulphur Springs; Ro Grace, 33d reg't, Hampshire; James Daily, 33d reg't, Hampshire; Lt P S Hagey, 37th reg't; Thos Spindle, 4th reg't, Montgomery; T Smith, 4th reg't, Montgo'ry; R B Roye, 2d regiment; Charles Thomas Washington co; Winfield T Jones, 42d regiment Bedford; W A Kilgore, 37th reHampshire; Lt P S Hagey, 37th reg't; Thos Spindle, 4th reg't, Montgomery; T Smith, 4th reg't, Montgo'ry; R B Roye, 2d regiment; Charles Thomas Washington co; Winfield T Jones, 42d regiment Bedford; W A Kilgore, 37th regiment; Cornelins Shea, Irish battalion; Samuel McVeigh, Washington co; Jas McVeigh, Washington co; John Wright, 4th regiment; Jos Silvers, 27th regiment, Allegheny; The Orpheus Hawkins, John Howard, Charlotte; L H Barnett, 2d regiment; S G Hansberger, 33d regiment; E W Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Thos H Hendricks, 4rd regiment; Campbell; J W Blanks, 21st regiment, Pittsylvania; Dennis Morjarty, Irish battalion; W W Buchanan, 37th regiment, Washington co; Jos F Slover, 23d regiment, Luray;
Frederick (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
ad; Abner A Cornett, 37th reg't, Co H; Michael Corbin, Irish battalion; J P Armstrong, 4th regt, Co I; Howard Fisher, 27th regt, Co E; James Dugeon, Irish battalion; H F Neillo, 17th regt, Co C; Richard Pencan, 21st regt, Co G; Flerson; John Colburn, 33d regt, co B; Capt R C No non, Maryland, dead; Harris Towner, 2d regiment, dead; Michael Moriarty;--Pierson. At Newtown.--P G Eubank, Charlotte co; John Pine, 27th reg't, Alleghany county; Hy Scruggs, Buckingham county; John Yowell, Frederick county; Geo N. Gall, Washington county Md; Jacob Sperow, 21 reg't, Berkley county; W H Bird, Rock Artillery, Lexington; Chas W Bingham, 4th reg't, Capt Wade's co; Geo A McCoy, 4th reg't, Capt Newby's co; --Reed, 42d reg't. List of dead. Seventy-seven buried on the battle field — names not known John J Widner, co F, 37th Va; Jas H Payne, company and residence unknown; one unknown; M Bucker, Captain Holliday's co; R Ho p lluas, Lee; W Grubb, Capt Neilson's company; J W Wilson, supposed f
Charlotte (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 23
s, 42d regiment Bedford; W A Kilgore, 37th regiment; Cornelins Shea, Irish battalion; Samuel McVeigh, Washington co; Jas McVeigh, Washington co; John Wright, 4th regiment; Jos Silvers, 27th regiment, Allegheny; The Orpheus Hawkins, John Howard, Charlotte; L H Barnett, 2d regiment; S G Hansberger, 33d regiment; E W Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Thos H Hendricks, 4rd regiment; Campbell; J W Blanks, 21st regiment, Pittsylvania; Dennis Morjarty, Irish battalion; W W Buchanan, 37th regiment, Washi Irish battalion; H F Neillo, 17th regt, Co C; Richard Pencan, 21st regt, Co G; Flerson; John Colburn, 33d regt, co B; Capt R C No non, Maryland, dead; Harris Towner, 2d regiment, dead; Michael Moriarty;--Pierson. At Newtown.--P G Eubank, Charlotte co; John Pine, 27th reg't, Alleghany county; Hy Scruggs, Buckingham county; John Yowell, Frederick county; Geo N. Gall, Washington county Md; Jacob Sperow, 21 reg't, Berkley county; W H Bird, Rock Artillery, Lexington; Chas W Bingham, 4th reg't
Rockbridge (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
, 33d regiment; E W Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Thos H Hendricks, 4rd regiment; Campbell; J W Blanks, 21st regiment, Pittsylvania; Dennis Morjarty, Irish battalion; W W Buchanan, 37th regiment, Washington co; Jos F Slover, 23d regiment, Luray; Geo Washington, 2d regiment; Robert Annon, 2d regiment; Hugh Strallon, 5th regiment; Jas C Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Capt G F Antrum, 5th regiment, Augusta; Serg't Jas F 5th regiment; Jas M Beard, 6th regiment; James H Payne, 5th regiment, Rockbridge; Chas Withers, 2d regiment; --Turner; James Hamilton, Winchester, dead; James Myers, Captain Colston's company; John J Widner, 37th regiment, Co F, dead; James H. Payne, Floyd, dead; unknown, dead; Jas H Barnes, 16d regiment, Halifax, dead; unknown, dead; Capt Rector or Capt Withers, not certainly known, dead; Benj G Hubbard, Col Taliaferro's regiment, dead; Capt Jas G Jones, Irish Battalion, Co E, dead; W E Doley, 42d regt, dead; Jas J Evans, 21st regt Co C, dead; John H Hoffman, Shenando
Pittsylvania (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
captured without injury. In addition, we have a list of eighty-four wounded, who are in the hospitals and private houses of Winchester, as follows: T S Carroll, Baltimore, 21st Va reg; Jno McClure, Washington co; W T Adams, 21st reg't, Pittsylvania, dead; Lt Jas McNeille, Irish battalion; Jno Wr gut, 4th reg't, Grayson; Capt James Vance, Southwestern Virginia; Capt John Pittmac, Shenandoah; Jos Spence, 4th reg't; Geo Ship, 33d reg't; W J Bell, 4th reg't, Augusta; Fielding Wright, 4th regos Silvers, 27th regiment, Allegheny; The Orpheus Hawkins, John Howard, Charlotte; L H Barnett, 2d regiment; S G Hansberger, 33d regiment; E W Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Thos H Hendricks, 4rd regiment; Campbell; J W Blanks, 21st regiment, Pittsylvania; Dennis Morjarty, Irish battalion; W W Buchanan, 37th regiment, Washington co; Jos F Slover, 23d regiment, Luray; Geo Washington, 2d regiment; Robert Annon, 2d regiment; Hugh Strallon, 5th regiment; Jas C Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Capt G
Westmoreland County (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 23
Neill; 27th reg't; Jno Moore, 21st reg't, White Sulphur Springs; Ro Grace, 33d reg't, Hampshire; James Daily, 33d reg't, Hampshire; Lt P S Hagey, 37th reg't; Thos Spindle, 4th reg't, Montgomery; T Smith, 4th reg't, Montgo'ry; R B Roye, 2d regiment; Charles Thomas Washington co; Winfield T Jones, 42d regiment Bedford; W A Kilgore, 37th regiment; Cornelins Shea, Irish battalion; Samuel McVeigh, Washington co; Jas McVeigh, Washington co; John Wright, 4th regiment; Jos Silvers, 27th regiment, Allegheny; The Orpheus Hawkins, John Howard, Charlotte; L H Barnett, 2d regiment; S G Hansberger, 33d regiment; E W Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Thos H Hendricks, 4rd regiment; Campbell; J W Blanks, 21st regiment, Pittsylvania; Dennis Morjarty, Irish battalion; W W Buchanan, 37th regiment, Washington co; Jos F Slover, 23d regiment, Luray; Geo Washington, 2d regiment; Robert Annon, 2d regiment; Hugh Strallon, 5th regiment; Jas C Cornutt, 4th regiment, Grayson; Capt G F Antrum, 5th regiment, August
Alleghany (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 23
Evans, 21st regt Co C, dead; John H Hoffman, Shenandoah Co, dead; Abner A Cornett, 37th reg't, Co H; Michael Corbin, Irish battalion; J P Armstrong, 4th regt, Co I; Howard Fisher, 27th regt, Co E; James Dugeon, Irish battalion; H F Neillo, 17th regt, Co C; Richard Pencan, 21st regt, Co G; Flerson; John Colburn, 33d regt, co B; Capt R C No non, Maryland, dead; Harris Towner, 2d regiment, dead; Michael Moriarty;--Pierson. At Newtown.--P G Eubank, Charlotte co; John Pine, 27th reg't, Alleghany county; Hy Scruggs, Buckingham county; John Yowell, Frederick county; Geo N. Gall, Washington county Md; Jacob Sperow, 21 reg't, Berkley county; W H Bird, Rock Artillery, Lexington; Chas W Bingham, 4th reg't, Capt Wade's co; Geo A McCoy, 4th reg't, Capt Newby's co; --Reed, 42d reg't. List of dead. Seventy-seven buried on the battle field — names not known John J Widner, co F, 37th Va; Jas H Payne, company and residence unknown; one unknown; M Bucker, Captain Holliday's co; R Ho p lluas
Washington (United States) (search for this): article 23
Co H; Michael Corbin, Irish battalion; J P Armstrong, 4th regt, Co I; Howard Fisher, 27th regt, Co E; James Dugeon, Irish battalion; H F Neillo, 17th regt, Co C; Richard Pencan, 21st regt, Co G; Flerson; John Colburn, 33d regt, co B; Capt R C No non, Maryland, dead; Harris Towner, 2d regiment, dead; Michael Moriarty;--Pierson. At Newtown.--P G Eubank, Charlotte co; John Pine, 27th reg't, Alleghany county; Hy Scruggs, Buckingham county; John Yowell, Frederick county; Geo N. Gall, Washington county Md; Jacob Sperow, 21 reg't, Berkley county; W H Bird, Rock Artillery, Lexington; Chas W Bingham, 4th reg't, Capt Wade's co; Geo A McCoy, 4th reg't, Capt Newby's co; --Reed, 42d reg't. List of dead. Seventy-seven buried on the battle field — names not known John J Widner, co F, 37th Va; Jas H Payne, company and residence unknown; one unknown; M Bucker, Captain Holliday's co; R Ho p lluas, Lee; W Grubb, Capt Neilson's company; J W Wilson, supposed from Clarke county; one supposed
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