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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 29, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel Scott or search for Samuel Scott in all documents.
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The Columbus (Mississippi) Republic learns, through a private letter from Kentucky, that the Lincolnites had filled the Glasgow jail with Southern-rights men, and confiscated negroes, horses, etc.
The Natchez Courier learns that Mr. Samuel Scott, an old citizen and planter of Jefferson county, Miss., committed suicide at his place on the morning of the 10th inst.
D. W. Hay, under sentence of death, for the murder of Joseph Steele, at Lancasterville, S. C., has had his sentence commuted by Gov. Pickens to entry into the army for the war.
We regret to learn that the Armory at Aberdeen, Miss., was destroyed by fire recently.
Everything in it, except a few guns, was destroyed.
"A system of modern Geography," by John H. Rice, has lately been published in Atlanta, Ga.
Dr. John Y. M. Jordan, while fighting as an amateur in Capt. Tyler Jordan's company, on the Peninsula, a few days since, was struck down by a shell and killed.
Our pickets on the Peninsula