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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: may 14, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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San Jacinto (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 17
: Fortress Monroe, May 8.--Shortly before noon to-day the Monitor, Naugatuck, Seminole, Susquehanna, Dacotah and San Jacinto, in the order in which they are named, steamed up towards Sewell's Point, Captain Lardner, of the Susquechanna, in comlena and other gunboats have gone. The side-wheel steamer susquehanna has just moved up, passing the Seminole and San Jacinto. In the meandme, the Dacotah, Monitor and Naugatuck had reached the channel and taken a position off Sewell's Point, itor, while a continued succession of shells is being poured on the enemy from the Susquehanna, Dacotah, Seminole, and San Jacinto, broadside after broadside. The Rip Raps also throw occasional shells into Sewall's Point. Fifty Minutes Past Twelve o'clock--The Susquehanna, Dacotah, San Jacinto, and Seminole, are pouring hells, and the Monitor threw her first two shells from a point fully a mile and a half ahead of the other vessels. The guns from Sewell's Point fall short of the regular
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 17
e dot in the water. At about half-past 2 o'clock the Merrimac made her appearance, when the fleet returned, with the exception of the Monitor. The Merrimac is still (five o'clock) off the Point. The Monitor is ready to attack her. The Seminole has returned to the Lower Roads. There is no prospect of a fight at present (half-past 5 o'clock). The Monitor has returned. The Merrimac is in the same position. Fortress Monroe, May 8--This has been a most stirring and exciting day at Old Point, and all are anticipating the early fall of Norfolk. At eleven o'clock the steamer Naugatuck was observed raising steam, and about twelve o'clock she moved out by the side of the Monitor, which vessel had also cleared her decks for action, taken down her awning and pipes, and stood forth in full fighting trim. Half-past 11 O'clock.--The gunboat Dacotah has just moved up in line of battle with two little batteries, followed by the sloop-of-war Seminole and the San Jacinto. The fl
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
a is also under steam. Twelve O'clock.--The Naugatuck has moved up towards Elizabeth river, followed by the Monitor and Dacotah in line of battle. The San Jacinto follows slowly. Heavy firing can still be heard from the direction of James river, where, as you have already been informed by telegraph, the Galena and other gunboats have gone. The side-wheel steamer susquehanna has just moved up, passing the Seminole and San Jacinto. In the meandme, the Dacotah, Monitor and Naugatuock.--The Susquehanna moves up and takes the lead of the San Jacinto and Seminole. No answer from either of the rebel forts, and the Dacotah and Monitor are steaming up the Elizaneth river. The Nangatuck is lying off towards the mouth of the James river. Presently the Dacotah and Monitor approach Craney Island and Sewell's Point. The Dacotah fires every few minutes alternately at Sewells Point and Craney Island, the enemy making no reply, although all the balls reach their interded destinat
Elizabeth (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
lowed by the sloop-of-war Seminole and the San Jacinto. The flag-ship Minnesota is also under steam. Twelve O'clock.--The Naugatuck has moved up towards Elizabeth river, followed by the Monitor and Dacotah in line of battle. The San Jacinto follows slowly. Heavy firing can still be heard from the direction of James riveown's a number of shells in the same direction. Quarter past Two O'clock P. M.--The Monitor and Dacotah are moving along again slowly up the mouth of the Elizabeth river. A dense black smoke has commenced to rise from Sewell's Point, indicating that our incendiary shells thrown there have fired the barracks. The Dacotah connnesota and Vanderbilt have gone back to their anchorage. The Dacotan again proceeds up towards the Merrimac, and the Monitor starts towards the mouth of the Elizabeth river. The Dacotah is now within an easy range of Sewell's Point, but the batteries there do not open on her. She and the Monitor have both stopped, and the Merrim
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
oint. The New York Herald, of May 10th, gives an account of the recent naval operations in Hampton Roads and vicinity. As a matter of course, there are falsehoods in the statement; yet it will be nevertheless read with interest: Fortress Monroe, May 8.--Shortly before noon to-day the Monitor, Naugatuck, Seminole, Susquehanna, Dacotah and San Jacinto, in the order in which they are named, steamed up towards Sewell's Point, Captain Lardner, of the Susquechanna, in command of the expeclock) off the Point. The Monitor is ready to attack her. The Seminole has returned to the Lower Roads. There is no prospect of a fight at present (half-past 5 o'clock). The Monitor has returned. The Merrimac is in the same position. Fortress Monroe, May 8--This has been a most stirring and exciting day at Old Point, and all are anticipating the early fall of Norfolk. At eleven o'clock the steamer Naugatuck was observed raising steam, and about twelve o'clock she moved out by the s
Susquehanna, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 17
ds in the statement; yet it will be nevertheless read with interest: Fortress Monroe, May 8.--Shortly before noon to-day the Monitor, Naugatuck, Seminole, Susquehanna, Dacotah and San Jacinto, in the order in which they are named, steamed up towards Sewell's Point, Captain Lardner, of the Susquechanna, in command of the expeds Point, and the Dacotah fired a shot towards Craney Island. A second shot from the Dacotah struck the beaca at Sewell's Point. Half-past 12 O'clock.--The Susquehanna moves up and takes the lead of the San Jacinto and Seminole. No answer from either of the rebel forts, and the Dacotah and Monitor are steaming up the Elizanetand fortward, but the Merrimac still lies under the guns of Craney Island. The Monitor is lying about a mile and a half from the Merrimac, and the Dacotah, Susquehanna, and Seminole, are still in the rear. The Naugatuck is also moving up towards the Monitor. The Minnesota, Arago and Vanderbilt have gone back to their anc
Pig Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
he Monitor. One of which exploded directly over her. The Monitor moved steadily forward, occasionally firing and receiving shells and shot from the rebel batteries with parfect indifference. Two o'clock P. M.--During the past hour there has been but little if any change in the progress of the bombardment. The Monitor has fullen back and lays alongside of the Susquenanna, probably for the purpose of communicating with her. The Naugatuck, in the meantime, has been throwing shells into Pig Point, and the fleet have also thrown's a number of shells in the same direction. Quarter past Two O'clock P. M.--The Monitor and Dacotah are moving along again slowly up the mouth of the Elizabeth river. A dense black smoke has commenced to rise from Sewell's Point, indicating that our incendiary shells thrown there have fired the barracks. The Dacotah continues to throw her shells directly into the Point, the explosions of which can be distinctly seen. The splash shells from the Point
Craney Island (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
ff Sewell's Point, and the Dacotah fired a shot towards Craney Island. A second shot from the Dacotah struck the beaca at Seames river. Presently the Dacotah and Monitor approach Craney Island and Sewell's Point. The Dacotah fires every few minutes alternately at Sewells Point and Craney Island, the enemy making no reply, although all the balls reach their interded dest the Monitor, and shells are falling thickly around her Craney Island is also joining in the fight, and has just thrown severl can be seen moving slowly along shore in front of the Craney Island batteries. Simultaneously with the appearance of the Mmac is lying stationary, about a mile in advance of the Craney Island batteries. (There commenced an important movement whicalted. The Merrimac has run back under the guns of Craney Island, and the Monitor is steaming off towards her at full spfortward, but the Merrimac still lies under the guns of Craney Island. The Monitor is lying about a mile and a half from
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
Important naval operations. Yankee accounts of the recent movements in the Roads. naval attack on Sewell's Point. The New York Herald, of May 10th, gives an account of the recent naval operations in Hampton Roads and vicinity. As a matter of course, there are falsehoods in the statement; yet it will be nevertheless read with interest: Fortress Monroe, May 8.--Shortly before noon to-day the Monitor, Naugatuck, Seminole, Susquehanna, Dacotah and San Jacinto, in the order in which they are named, steamed up towards Sewell's Point, Captain Lardner, of the Susquechanna, in command of the expedition. As soon as within range fire was opened with shot and shell against Sewell's Point.--Most of the shots were good ones. It was nearly half an hour before a reply was made from the Point. The Rip Raps next opened fire, and then the Naugatuck for the first time. Several shots were fired from the single gun on the extremity of the point, when one from the Monitor
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 17
n which they are named, steamed up towards Sewell's Point, Captain Lardner, of the Susquechanna, in ached the channel and taken a position off Sewell's Point, and the Dacotah fired a shot towards Cran shot from the Dacotah struck the beaca at Sewell's Point. Half-past 12 O'clock.--The Susquehantah and Monitor approach Craney Island and Sewell's Point. The Dacotah fires every few minutes alternately at Sewells Point and Craney Island, the enemy making no reply, although all the balls reachahead of the other vessels. The guns from Sewell's Point fall short of the regular fleet, and many P. M.--The Monitor is now within a mile of Sewell's Point, moving slowly forward and firing. The ennse black smoke has commenced to rise from Sewell's Point, indicating that our incendiary shells thr almost shell for shell and shot for shot, Sewell's Point is almost enveloped in smoke from the conshe acene. She has just passed from behind Sewell's Point, and running down slowly towards the Feder[10 more...]
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