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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 16, 1862., [Electronic resource].
Found 618 total hits in 341 results.
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
The New Diorama.
-- Lee Mallory's new exhibition, the Battle of Hampton Roads, is still on exhibition at Metropolitan Hall.
The auditor enjoys views of Old Point Comfort, For tress Monroe, Rip Raps, Sewell's Point, New-port News, and the Federal ships destroyed by the gallant Virginia.
One of the best things ever seen in its way, is an improvement on the ordinary stage-seas.
The turbulent billows have an air of reality which gives one an impression that he is looking out upon a genuine sea of waters, through which the strange looking Virginia moves on and darts upon her victims.
James (search for this): article 7
--Runaway, from the subscriber, near Dayton, Marengo county, Ala., my dining-room servant, James, sometimes calling himself James.
Clarke, a bright mulatto, a bout twenty-five years of ago, slightly bow-lagged; was raised in Richmond; Va, by a Mr. Totty.
His parents still live there.--James was in the army last summer at Winchester.
A reasonable reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again.
my 10--1m * Edward Baptist.
--Runaway, from the subscriber, near Dayton, Marengo county, Ala., my dining-room servant, James, sometimes calling himself James.
Clarke, a bright mulatto, a bout twenty-five years of ago, slightly bow-lagged; was raised in Richmond; Va, by a Mr. Totty.
His parents still live there.--James was in the army last summer at Winchester.
A reasonable reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again.
my 10--1m * Edward Baptist.
Clarke (search for this): article 7
--Runaway, from the subscriber, near Dayton, Marengo county, Ala., my dining-room servant, James, sometimes calling himself James.
Clarke, a bright mulatto, a bout twenty-five years of ago, slightly bow-lagged; was raised in Richmond; Va, by a Mr. Totty.
His parents still live there.--James was in the army last summer at Winchester.
A reasonable reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again.
my 10--1m * Edward Baptist.
Totty (search for this): article 7
--Runaway, from the subscriber, near Dayton, Marengo county, Ala., my dining-room servant, James, sometimes calling himself James.
Clarke, a bright mulatto, a bout twenty-five years of ago, slightly bow-lagged; was raised in Richmond; Va, by a Mr. Totty.
His parents still live there.--James was in the army last summer at Winchester.
A reasonable reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again.
my 10--1m * Edward Baptist.
Edward Baptist (search for this): article 7
--Runaway, from the subscriber, near Dayton, Marengo county, Ala., my dining-room servant, James, sometimes calling himself James.
Clarke, a bright mulatto, a bout twenty-five years of ago, slightly bow-lagged; was raised in Richmond; Va, by a Mr. Totty.
His parents still live there.--James was in the army last summer at Winchester.
A reasonable reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again.
my 10--1m * Edward Baptist.
Dayton (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 7
--Runaway, from the subscriber, near Dayton, Marengo county, Ala., my dining-room servant, James, sometimes calling himself James.
Clarke, a bright mulatto, a bout twenty-five years of ago, slightly bow-lagged; was raised in Richmond; Va, by a Mr. Totty.
His parents still live there.--James was in the army last summer at Winchester.
A reasonable reward will be paid for his apprehension and confinement in jail so that I get him again.
my 10--1m * Edward Baptist.
John Swann (search for this): article 7
"Sympathy" in Baltimore.
--Upon the arrival of the last lot of Confederate prisoner in Baltimore, from Winchester, several weeks ago, two highly respectable citizens, named John Swann and John M. Tormey, were arrested and thrown into Fort McHenry for simply extending a "welcome to Baltimore" to the prisoners as they emerged from the cars at the Camden depot.
The Yankee press, notwithstanding, claim freedom of expression of opinion in Baltimore,
John M. Tormey (search for this): article 7
"Sympathy" in Baltimore.
--Upon the arrival of the last lot of Confederate prisoner in Baltimore, from Winchester, several weeks ago, two highly respectable citizens, named John Swann and John M. Tormey, were arrested and thrown into Fort McHenry for simply extending a "welcome to Baltimore" to the prisoners as they emerged from the cars at the Camden depot.
The Yankee press, notwithstanding, claim freedom of expression of opinion in Baltimore,
Charles Town (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 7
Negro invaders.
The people of the South have been unwilling, from the first, to admit the startling fact that the Yankee Government ever contemplated the invasion of her borders by the armed colored population of the slave States, in the prosecution of her plans of subjugation.
This fact, humiliating as it may be to humanity, and shocking to civilization, has at last been demonstrated by the organization, in Washington, D. C. of two regiments, and in Charlestown, Va., of one or more companies, who are drilled dully after sundown, and instructed in the manual of shooting down their owners.
This is the secret of the running off of the male slaves of the Valley.
It is a pity that Virginia's eyes have been closed so, long to the real designs of the Lincoln Government.
They are now opened.
Blindness is no longer an excuse for suicide.
March 18th (search for this): article 8
$100 reward.
--The subscriber, will pay the above reward for the apprehension and delivery at the 15th Alabama regiment, or the jail in Richmond, of two negro Boys, who made their escape from above named regiment, in the neighborhood of Rappahannock, about the 18th March, ult., and who are described as follows, viz , Jim of light complexion, about a last 10 inches high, stammers when spoken to, weighs about 180 pounds, and has a large ar on his forehead.
Charles, of dark complexion about 8 feet high, slender of raturs, and of about 165 pounds weight.
Captain P. V. Guerry,
Lieut. K. P. Head.
Rappahannock, Va. April 8, 1862.