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United States (United States) 28 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: may 27, 1862., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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United States (United States) (search for this): article 2
en somewhat excited during the day, owing to the many startling rumors in circulation, one of which was, that a "reliable" gentleman had just arrived from the Peninsula, the scene of action on Saturday, and said a terrible conflict had taken place, and our loss was about 400, that of the enemy 1,000 to 1,200. The Circuit Court, Judge Gholson presiding, has been in session for several days past in this city. In his charge he congratulated the Grand Jury in owing no allegiance to the United States, and that they were "separated forever" Two free negroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg Ci
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 2
econd Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood. City Point has been evacuated, the last to leave being an old negro woman. So they have full away in that section. T. Jay. econd Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood. City Point has been evacuated, the last to leave being an old negro woman. So they have full away in that section. T. Jay.
groes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood. City Point has been evacuated, the last to leave being an old negro woman. So they have full away in that section. T. Jay.
From Petersburg. [correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Petersburg, May 25, 1862. Our city has been somewhat excited during the day, owing to the many startling rumors in circulation, one of which was, that a "reliable" gentleman had just arrived from the Peninsula, the scene of action on Saturday, and said a terrible conflict had taken place, and our loss was about 400, that of the enemy 1,000 to 1,200. The Circuit Court, Judge Gholson presiding, has been in session for several days past in this city. In his charge he congratulated the Grand Jury in owing no allegiance to the United States, and that they were "separated forever" Two free negroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried,
circulation, one of which was, that a "reliable" gentleman had just arrived from the Peninsula, the scene of action on Saturday, and said a terrible conflict had taken place, and our loss was about 400, that of the enemy 1,000 to 1,200. The Circuit Court, Judge Gholson presiding, has been in session for several days past in this city. In his charge he congratulated the Grand Jury in owing no allegiance to the United States, and that they were "separated forever" Two free negroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieut
John P. May (search for this): article 2
groes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood. City Point has been evacuated, the last to leave being an old negro woman. So they have full away in that section. T. Jay.
Wiley Branch (search for this): article 2
arated forever" Two free negroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood. City Point has been evacuated, the last to leave being an old negro woman. So they have full aw
congratulated the Grand Jury in owing no allegiance to the United States, and that they were "separated forever" Two free negroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood.
n, one of which was, that a "reliable" gentleman had just arrived from the Peninsula, the scene of action on Saturday, and said a terrible conflict had taken place, and our loss was about 400, that of the enemy 1,000 to 1,200. The Circuit Court, Judge Gholson presiding, has been in session for several days past in this city. In his charge he congratulated the Grand Jury in owing no allegiance to the United States, and that they were "separated forever" Two free negroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to f
egroes, Bonner and Temple, were tried and convicted of an attempt to commit a rape on a white girl, some three months ago. The former was sentenced to the penitentiary for twenty years, (he ought to have been hung,) and the latter for five years. The Court will meet to-morrow, when several criminal cases will be tried, among them Mr. Kershaw, for the murder of Lavelle, near two years ago. At an election in the Petersburg City Guard, on Friday, Corporal Wiley Branch was elected Junior Second Lieutenant, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Capt. John P. May to Major of the 12th Virginia Regiment. Corporal Cogbill was appointed Orderly Sergeant. I learned late yesterday evening that the Monitor and four gunboats were at City Point, awaiting an opportunity to send forth their marauding parties to plunder that immediate neighborhood. City Point has been evacuated, the last to leave being an old negro woman. So they have full away in that section. T. Jay.
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