Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sampson Jones or search for Sampson Jones in all documents.

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the Navy Department, under its present head, with power to send for persons and papers, and report the same to the two Houses respectively. Mr. Barksdale called the question on his substitute, and the vote being taken, it was adopted. Mr. Jones, of Tenn., moved to reconsider the vote just taken, and to lay the motion to reconsider on the table. After some discussion on the motion, it was withdrawn by Mr. Jones, when it was renewed by Mr. Conrad, of La., who expressed himself at some Mr. Jones, when it was renewed by Mr. Conrad, of La., who expressed himself at some length with reference to the conduct of the Navy Department, and concluded by withdrawing his motion. Mr. Foote renewed the motion, and spoke at length upon the question. Mr. Barksdale said he did not wish to appear as the partisan or champion of Mr. Mallory, but desired that justice should be done, and it was in this spirit that he offered the resolution. The question recurring upon the motion of Mr. Conrad to reconsider the vote by which the resolution was adopted, the motion w
The Daily Dispatch: August 28, 1862., [Electronic resource], Confiscation of property in Portsmouth. (search)
One hundred and fifty dollars reward. --The above reward will be paid for a negro woman by the name of Winney Morton, who ran off on Thursday morning, 3d of July. She is five feet high; stout built; jet black; sharp nose; talks very lady-like, but looks grum.--She had on a hood bonnet, and her head tied up with a black silk handkerchief. She has a sister living in Manchester, and a husband waiting upon Captain Sales, in the army, and owned by Sampson Jones, of Richmond. The above reward will be given, if lodged in jail. au 28--1m* J. W. Satterwhite.