Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 10, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James B. Pleasants or search for James B. Pleasants in all documents.

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ies in the street, kissing his hand to them, &c., was required to give security to be of good behavior. John Holmes, charged with picking the pocket of James B. Pleasants of a bunch of keys. The prisoner found Mr. Pleasants in a reclining posture, and placed his hand on his pocket and shook him, saying, "Is that you, Mike?" Mr. Pleasants in a reclining posture, and placed his hand on his pocket and shook him, saying, "Is that you, Mike?" Receiving no reply, he put his hand in Pleasants's pocket and took his keys. Holmes was sent to the Provost Marshal. Joseph J. Home, for being drunk and lying in the street, was fined $1. Michael Buckton, charged with the murder of John Delaney, was committed. Patrick Shee, charged will stealing a small quantity of Pleasants's pocket and took his keys. Holmes was sent to the Provost Marshal. Joseph J. Home, for being drunk and lying in the street, was fined $1. Michael Buckton, charged with the murder of John Delaney, was committed. Patrick Shee, charged will stealing a small quantity of whiskey from the Confederate Government, was bailed to appear before the Grand Jury.