Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 20, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sampson Jones or search for Sampson Jones in all documents.

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ly the case, often had failings out, fights and bickering. The Mayor committed Beaty in default of security in the sum of $150. Wm. Caesar, a negro belonging to S. D. Denoon, was up for stealing five pieces of bacon, valued at $16, from Sampson Jones. The investigation implicated Robert, slave of Mr. Jones, as party concerned in the abstraction of the bacon, and both were consequently sent before the Court of Hustings, for trial, on the second Monday in November. Bill for their appearanMr. Jones, as party concerned in the abstraction of the bacon, and both were consequently sent before the Court of Hustings, for trial, on the second Monday in November. Bill for their appearance was given. Betsy and Claiborne, slaves of Wm. Collingswood, were brought up for stealing 14 head of cabbage from Mrs. H. E. Hibble. The testimony made it appear that Betsy was most to blame, and she was ordered to be punished. Sundry negroes, including the following, viz.--Eliza Ann Smithers, Mary Fox, Chas. Henry, Dick Meekins, Lavinia Trent, Sally Boasman, free, and Henry, slave of Mrs. E. J. Cill, Charles, slave of Mrs. Dennis, John and Mary, slaves of Mrs. Lavinia Hall, were a