Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 12, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sampson Jones or search for Sampson Jones in all documents.

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hooting at and wounding Mary Haley and Margaret Kennedy, two children, on Byrd street, a few days since. He was acquitted, no felonious intent being proved. Gilmer A. Lumpkin was examined and sent on for trial before Judge Lyons for forging S. H. Owens & Son's name to a check for $700, and drawing the money thereon. There is another charge of a similar character, only for a larger amount, ($6,000,) now pending against him. William, slave of S. D. Denoon, and Robert, slave of Sampson Jones, were tried for stealing bacon from the latter. William was ordered 39 lashes, and Robert acquitted. Roberta, slave of S. J. Rutherfoord, was tried for stealing sundry articles of wearing apparel from another darkey, and being found guilty, was ordered 20 lashes. The Grand Jury re-assembled (G. W. Smith foreman,) and indicted the following parties, viz: Peter Lawson and Wm. Lawson, for tumultuously making an affray by beating Emanuel Raymond, in the 3d Market, all the par