Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 2, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William N. Kelley or search for William N. Kelley in all documents.

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The police. --The day police of the city, that in former times consulted only of Clement White and Wm. Byrd Page, owing to the growth of the city and the requirements of the times has been increased to eleven. We append a list of names of the present force, viz: Reuben T. Seal, R. H. Chalkley, B. M. Morris, Wm. N. Kelley, A. D. Quarles. M. Adams, W. T. Bibb, John A. Davis, John D Perrin, Caleb Crone, and Washington A. Griffin. The night watch comprises a force of forty men, who, by ordinance of the Council, are compelled to reside in the city. This force is officered as follows: Captain, James B. Pleasants, (elected by the people;) 1st Lieutenant, L. M. Carter; 2d Lieutenant, Theodore Baptist; 3d Lieutenant. Augustus R. Cousins.