Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 9, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Peter Doyle or search for Peter Doyle in all documents.

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, there being no evidence produced of his guilt. Cyrus, slave of Miles Crenshaw, was tried for stealing R. G. Morriss's cow on the 27th November, and ordered 39 lashes. John Deane and John Marx, free persons of color, emancipated since 1806, having petitioned the Court for permission to remain in the Commonwealth, it was ordered that the justices be summoned for the purpose of hearing said application on Friday next. A nolle prosequi was entered in the case of Jno. Dunn and Peter Doyle charged with grand larceny. William Pitts, charged with committing a felony on the 27th Nov., by breaking and entering the stable of Asa Snyder, in the night time, and stealing a chisel from Chas. W. Allen, worth $5, was set to the bar, and after an examination, was discharged. Jordan, slave of Jno. N. Thacker, was put on trial for stealing one gold watch, of the value of $95, and one coat, of the value of $45, on the 31st day of Oct., from James White, a free negro. He was fou