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United States (United States) (search for this): article 6
s of Longstreet's corps --McLaw's and Anderson's — which have borne so conspicuous a part in many of the hard-fought battles of this war, were engaging them from the front, and driving them by way of the old turnpike road, in the direction of United States ford. This fight, which continued through the afternoon of Saturday and forenoon of Sunday, wound up gloriously about noon of the latter day, though the army and country are called to mourn the loss of many a gallant Southerner. The enemy fresolve to emulate their noble example. The army and the country alike lament the absence for a time of one to whose bravery, energy, and skill, they are so much indebted for success. The following letter from the President of the Confederate States is communicated to the army as an expression of his appreciation of its success: "I have received your dispatch, and reverently unite with you in giving praise to God. for the success with which He has crowned our arms. "In the n
Marye's Heights (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
hancellorsville, and assisted in driving him from the position assumed on the old turnpike on Sunday. Capture of Marye's Heights. After this, these divisions were sent to aid Gen. Early, whose division was contending with the enemy, under Gen. Sedgwick, in the immediate front of Fredericksburg; they, as stated, having carried Marye's Heights on Sunday afternoon. On Monday morning these divisions took position on the right of the plank road, from which they moved on in the direction of ordon, assisted by Barksdale's Mississippians. It is stated that the loss of the enemy on Sunday in their attack on Marye's Heights was very heavy, and nearly equalled the slaughter which attended their advance on the 13th of December. The figere two or three men were wounded, but no lives lost. The second section, Lt. J. T. Brown commanding, was placed on Marye's Heights, and was captured on Sunday, along with Serg'ts Duffee and Cogbill, and privates D. A Brown, je, Curlby, McGid, and
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
d they have learned of Hooker's defeat, their spirits have greatly fallen, and they begin to realize that little hope exists of their reaching Richmond, save as prisoners of war. Address of Gen. Lee to his army. The following appropriate address has been issued by Gen. Lee to the gallant and invincible army under his commands. It will be seen that Gen. Lee pays a just tribute to Lieutenant General Jackson, with whom he has been so long associated in arms: Headq'rs Army Northern Virginia, May 7th, 1863. General Orders, No. 59. With heartfelt gratification the General commanding expresses to the army his sense of the heroic conduct displayed by officers and men during the arduous operations in which they have just been engaged. Under trying vicissitudes of heat and storm you attacked the enemy, strongly entrenched in the depths of a tangled wilderness, and again on the hills of Fredericksburg, fifteen miles distant, and, by the valor that has triumphed on so
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 6
was able to collate it, from the most reliable sources, an account of the operations of our army in the vicinity of Chancellorsville, and in the "Wilderness" beyond that point. This account related more particularly to the part performed by the cor this corps were the divisions commanded by Major-Gens. McLaws and Anderson, who held in check the enemy in front of Chancellorsville, and assisted in driving him from the position assumed on the old turnpike on Sunday. Capture of Marye's Heightsr; yet at no time during the struggle, from the time the first works were assailed till the last, in the vicinity of Chancellorsville, was carried, was the result in the least doubtful. To form any correct conception of the difficulties encounte shower of iron and lead that rained around them, pressed forward, driving the enemy before them in the direction of Chancellorsville, where the two divisions of Longstreet's corps --McLaw's and Anderson's — which have borne so conspicuous a part in
Jes R. Anderson (search for this): article 6
more particularly to the part performed by the corps of Lieut-Gen. Jackson. Co-operating with this corps were the divisions commanded by Major-Gens. McLaws and Anderson, who held in check the enemy in front of Chancellorsville, and assisted in driving him from the position assumed on the old turnpike on Sunday. Capture of Matown and Banks's ford. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon of that day an attack was commenced by the troops on Early's left, who were at once joined by McLaws and Anderson, forcing the enemy in the direction of the ford. Early's troops participated actively in this struggle, capturing several pieces of artillery and many prisonersned around them, pressed forward, driving the enemy before them in the direction of Chancellorsville, where the two divisions of Longstreet's corps --McLaw's and Anderson's — which have borne so conspicuous a part in many of the hard-fought battles of this war, were engaging them from the front, and driving them by way of the old
William Allen (search for this): article 6
ies of great victories which your army has achieved. "The universal rejoicing produced by this happy result, will be mingled with a general regret for the good and the brave who are numbered among the killed and the wounded." R. E.Lee, General. Casualties. Second Virginia Regiment--Company A.--Killed: Dophin T. Rawlins. Company G.--Killed: Benjamen White; wounded: Archy Aisquith, arm amputated; John R. Kearl, in the hand. Company K--Ed. Harrell, leg broken; Lieut, Randolph, Allen, and Billings wounded. Richmond Howitzers.--The following telegram from Fredericksburg has been received in this city: "In let company Howitzers, Barksdale and Selden killed; Royall and Christian wounded. In 2d company, none killed; Crane, H. Barnes, and L. R. Barnes wounded. In 3d company, none killed; Wickham and Anderson wounded." 1st Louisiana Regiment.--In the battle of Chancellorsville this noble regiment was commanded by Gen. Nichols, who received a severe wound in th
d by Maj. Hawks, Chief Commissary of this post, that he yesterday issued rations for fifteen hundred of the wounded, who are in field hospitals near the late scene of conflict. Among these are officers of every grade, from Brigadier-General down. When these were first brought here, they seemed possessed of all the impudence characteristic of the Yankee, and openly boasted that Richmond would fall be fore the close of the week, basing their hopes upon, the great feats to be accomplished by Stoneman in the destruction of our lines of communication. Since the trains have commenced running through, and they have learned of Hooker's defeat, their spirits have greatly fallen, and they begin to realize that little hope exists of their reaching Richmond, save as prisoners of war. Address of Gen. Lee to his army. The following appropriate address has been issued by Gen. Lee to the gallant and invincible army under his commands. It will be seen that Gen. Lee pays a just tribute to L
Buck Jones (search for this): article 6
n 2d company, none killed; Crane, H. Barnes, and L. R. Barnes wounded. In 3d company, none killed; Wickham and Anderson wounded." 1st Louisiana Regiment.--In the battle of Chancellorsville this noble regiment was commanded by Gen. Nichols, who received a severe wound in the left foot, necessitating its amputation; Major Nelligan was wounded in the left thigh; Capt Cummings in the head; Lieut Gill in the stomach. Lieut Kernan was killed. Capt. W. W. Parker's Artillery.--The first section of this battery was placed on the plank road, where two or three men were wounded, but no lives lost. The second section, Lt. J. T. Brown commanding, was placed on Marye's Heights, and was captured on Sunday, along with Serg'ts Duffee and Cogbill, and privates D. A Brown, je, Curlby, McGid, and Shorter. Privates Hancock and Lockwick, Buck Jones, and Dock Howard, were slightly wounded on the Heights, but escaped. No lives were lost there. Seven horses were killed in the second section.
city: "In let company Howitzers, Barksdale and Selden killed; Royall and Christian wounded. In 2d company, none killed; Crane, H. Barnes, and L. R. Barnes wounded. In 3d company, none killed; Wickham and Anderson wounded." 1st Louisiana Regiment.--In the battle of Chancellorsville this noble regiment was commanded by Gen. Nichols, who received a severe wound in the left foot, necessitating its amputation; Major Nelligan was wounded in the left thigh; Capt Cummings in the head; Lieut Gill in the stomach. Lieut Kernan was killed. Capt. W. W. Parker's Artillery.--The first section of this battery was placed on the plank road, where two or three men were wounded, but no lives lost. The second section, Lt. J. T. Brown commanding, was placed on Marye's Heights, and was captured on Sunday, along with Serg'ts Duffee and Cogbill, and privates D. A Brown, je, Curlby, McGid, and Shorter. Privates Hancock and Lockwick, Buck Jones, and Dock Howard, were slightly wounded on the
rred, and on Wednesday night, the enemy taking advantage of the storm, recrossed his shattered and discomfited columns to the North bank of the Rappahannock. The prisoners. In the series of fights, thus imperfectly described, prisoners were taken on both sides. --The most careful calculation I can make of our loss in this manner will not extend it beyond one thousand. At present we have, at this point, as an offset to this loss, fifty-one hundred of the enemy, and I am informed by Maj. Hawks, Chief Commissary of this post, that he yesterday issued rations for fifteen hundred of the wounded, who are in field hospitals near the late scene of conflict. Among these are officers of every grade, from Brigadier-General down. When these were first brought here, they seemed possessed of all the impudence characteristic of the Yankee, and openly boasted that Richmond would fall be fore the close of the week, basing their hopes upon, the great feats to be accomplished by Stoneman in th
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