Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 16, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jno or search for Jno in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: July 16, 1862., [Electronic resource], Wounded Yankees from Savage's Station. (search)
Geo B Cogswell, Assistant Surgeon 20th Mass; Wm Pattle, Assistant Surgeon 49th N Y; J D Brumley, 7th Mass; T Newell, Surgeon 1st R I Cavalry; Chas M Ellis, Assistant Surgeon 6th Pa; C Munson, Assistant Surgeon, 5th N Y; A Lanbry, 2d Lieut 26th Pa; Jno H Donovan, 1st Lieut 69th N Y; Wm. Deltz, Capt 1st N Y; Jno T Bell, Capt 62d Pa; Jno Doherty, 2d Lieut 9th Mass; N S Bull, 1st Lieut 61st Pa; Osro Miller, Major 18th Mass; B M Barbour, 2d Lieut 5th Vt: Chas Wheeler, 1st Lieut 10th Mass; D McMickenJno T Bell, Capt 62d Pa; Jno Doherty, 2d Lieut 9th Mass; N S Bull, 1st Lieut 61st Pa; Osro Miller, Major 18th Mass; B M Barbour, 2d Lieut 5th Vt: Chas Wheeler, 1st Lieut 10th Mass; D McMicken, Jr, 2d Lieut 5th Pa; J L Smith, 2d Lieut 4th Mich; GMallory, Capt 71st Pa; C S Newtin, Capt 71st Pa; J B Moore, Capt 57th Pa; B R Jenne, Capt, 5th Vt; D F Corbin; Capt, 3d Vt; W B Reynolds, Capt, 6th Vt; P J Smith, Capt, 2d Vt; J R Finnle, Capt, 2d Vt; F L Knight, Capt, 3d N J; W D Wright, 1st Lieut, 5th Vt; L M D Smith, 1st Lieut, 5th Vt; W R Hartshorne, 1st Lieut and Adj't 42 Penn; Aug. Miller, 1st Lieut, 20th Mass; L G McCauley, 1st Lieut, 7th Pa; Jacob Leman, 1st Lieut, 3d Pa; H P Kennedy