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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: August 3, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 25 total hits in 10 results.
Culpeper (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Gen. Lee's army — fight in Culpeper county.
Information received from Culpeper county by the train last evening furnishes us an account of a pretty severe cavalry fight in Culpeper county, in the immediate neighborhood of the old battle-field of Brandy Station, on Saturday last.
We could only obtain confused reportsCulpeper county by the train last evening furnishes us an account of a pretty severe cavalry fight in Culpeper county, in the immediate neighborhood of the old battle-field of Brandy Station, on Saturday last.
We could only obtain confused reports of this fight, but from these we gather that the enemy, in a force consisting of some three brigades of cavalry, advanced on our line of pickets in the early part of the day. The picket force was composed of the 12th Virginia regiment, Gen. Mahone's brigade.
This force resisted the enemy until Hampton's cavalry came up, when the Culpeper county, in the immediate neighborhood of the old battle-field of Brandy Station, on Saturday last.
We could only obtain confused reports of this fight, but from these we gather that the enemy, in a force consisting of some three brigades of cavalry, advanced on our line of pickets in the early part of the day. The picket force was composed of the 12th Virginia regiment, Gen. Mahone's brigade.
This force resisted the enemy until Hampton's cavalry came up, when the battle was joined between our cavalry and that of the enemy.
During some portions of the engagement the fighting is represented to have been very severe.
In the early part of the fight Capt. E. W. Branch, commanding the Grays, from this city, was killed, and his body brought to the city by the Central train last evening.
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
From Gen. Lee's army — fight in Culpeper county.
Information received from Culpeper county by the train last evening furnishes us an account of a pretty severe cavalry fight in Culpeper county, in the immediate neighborhood of the old battle-field of Brandy Station, on Saturday last.
We could only obtain confused reports of this fight, but from these we gather that the enemy, in a force consisting of some three brigades of cavalry, advanced on our line of pickets in the early part of the day. The picket force was composed of the 12th Virginia regiment, Gen. Mahone's brigade.
This force resisted the enemy until Hampton's cavalry came up, when the battle was joined between our cavalry and that of the enemy.
During some portions of the engagement the fighting is represented to have been very severe.
In the early part of the fight Capt. E. W. Branch, commanding the Grays, from this city, was killed, and his body brought to the city by the Central train last evening.
E. Lee (search for this): article 1
From Gen. Lee's army — fight in Culpeper county.
Information received from Culpeper county by the train last evening furnishes us an account of a pretty severe cavalry fight in Culpeper county, in the immediate neighborhood of the old battle-field of Brandy Station, on Saturday last.
We could only obtain confused reports of this fight, but from these we gather that the enemy, in a force consisting of some three brigades of cavalry, advanced on our line of pickets in the early part of the day. The picket force was composed of the 12th Virginia regiment, Gen. Mahone's brigade.
This force resisted the enemy until Hampton's cavalry came up, when the battle was joined between our cavalry and that of the enemy.
During some portions of the engagement the fighting is represented to have been very severe.
In the early part of the fight Capt. E. W. Branch, commanding the Grays, from this city, was killed, and his body brought to the city by the Central train last evening.
Young (search for this): article 1
Black (search for this): article 1
Mahone (search for this): article 1
Baker (search for this): article 1
Edward W. Branch (search for this): article 1
Slocum (search for this): article 1