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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 2, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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A writer in the Staunton Spectator, dating at Lewisburg, Greenbrier county, Va., Sept. 15th, writes to that paper a description of a remarkable atmospheric phenomenon witnessed in that town. It was seen by our pickets a few miles from the town. The same scene has been described in several respectable papers, the editors of which all vouch for the reliability of their informants. The writer says: A remarkable phenomenon was witnessed a few miles west of this place, at the house of Mrs. Pearey, on the first day of this month, at about 3 o'clock P. M., by Mr. Moses Dwyer, her neighbor, who happened to be scatted in her porch at the time, as well as by others at or near the house. The weather was quite hot and dry, not a cloud could be seen, no wind even ruffled the foliage on the surrounding trees. All things being propitious, the grand panorama began to move. Just over and through the tops of the trees on the adjacent hills on the South, immense numbers of rolls resembli
July 26th, 1797 AD (search for this): article 1
g. Four others (respectable ladies) and a servant girl witnessed this strange phenomenon. W. P. S.--On the 14th inst the same scene, almost identical, was seen by eight or ten of our pickets at Bunger's Mill, and by many of the citizens in that neighborhood, this is about four miles cast of Pearcy's. It was about one hour passing. a writer in the Spectator argues that the phenomenon described above was a mirage, and gives the following similar instances. 1st. On July 26th, 1797, about 5 P. M., at Hastings, on the south coast of England, a large portion of the coast of France appeared to a number of observers so distinctly, that sailors, who were spectators of the scene, pointed out to the narrator and witness of the phenomenon a number of places easily recognized with the naked eye, but further increased in distinctness by the use of the telescope. Places known as the Bay, the Old Head, and Dover Cliffs, even the French fishing boats, and portions of the Frenc
December 17th, 1826 AD (search for this): article 1
various evolutions through which the troops passed were distinctly visible, and observed by all. These appearances were supposed to be the images of a body of rebels drilling themselves previous to the rebellion of 1745. 3d. The "Spectre of the Brocken" in the Hertz Mountains in Germany, which is of frequent occurrence, representing oftentimes a magnified image of the observer, and obeying all of his motions, is too well known to allude to more definitely. 4th. On Sunday, the 17th December, 1826, the clergy in the vicinity of Poitiers, in France, were engaged in the exercises of the jubilee which preceded the festival of Christmas. Three thousand spectators were present. They had planted, as part of the ceremony, a large cross, 25 feet high and painted red, in the open air before the church. --About 5 in the afternoon a similar celestial cross suddenly appeared in the heavens, about 200 feet above the horizon, and apparently about 140 feet in length, of a bright silver color
Scotland (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 1
at sailors, who were spectators of the scene, pointed out to the narrator and witness of the phenomenon a number of places easily recognized with the naked eye, but further increased in distinctness by the use of the telescope. Places known as the Bay, the Old Head, and Dover Cliffs, even the French fishing boats, and portions of the French coast at a distance from 80 to 90 miles, all appearing as near as if they were sailing at a small distance from the coast. 2d. In the Highlands of Scotland, in 1774, Mr. Wren and others observed upon an extremely precipitous hill the figure of a man, with a dog, pursuing several horses, all running at a most rapid rate, until they finally disappeared, all of which proved to be a more scene similar to others of the kind.--Some time afterward, in the same locality, as observed by the inhabitants for miles around, there was seen a troop of horsemen advancing in close ranks and at a brisk pace. The various evolutions through which the troops pass
Poitiers (France) (search for this): article 1
were distinctly visible, and observed by all. These appearances were supposed to be the images of a body of rebels drilling themselves previous to the rebellion of 1745. 3d. The "Spectre of the Brocken" in the Hertz Mountains in Germany, which is of frequent occurrence, representing oftentimes a magnified image of the observer, and obeying all of his motions, is too well known to allude to more definitely. 4th. On Sunday, the 17th December, 1826, the clergy in the vicinity of Poitiers, in France, were engaged in the exercises of the jubilee which preceded the festival of Christmas. Three thousand spectators were present. They had planted, as part of the ceremony, a large cross, 25 feet high and painted red, in the open air before the church. --About 5 in the afternoon a similar celestial cross suddenly appeared in the heavens, about 200 feet above the horizon, and apparently about 140 feet in length, of a bright silver color, tinged with red. The causes of certain phe
France (France) (search for this): article 1
.--On the 14th inst the same scene, almost identical, was seen by eight or ten of our pickets at Bunger's Mill, and by many of the citizens in that neighborhood, this is about four miles cast of Pearcy's. It was about one hour passing. a writer in the Spectator argues that the phenomenon described above was a mirage, and gives the following similar instances. 1st. On July 26th, 1797, about 5 P. M., at Hastings, on the south coast of England, a large portion of the coast of France appeared to a number of observers so distinctly, that sailors, who were spectators of the scene, pointed out to the narrator and witness of the phenomenon a number of places easily recognized with the naked eye, but further increased in distinctness by the use of the telescope. Places known as the Bay, the Old Head, and Dover Cliffs, even the French fishing boats, and portions of the French coast at a distance from 80 to 90 miles, all appearing as near as if they were sailing at a small dis
Greenbrier (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
A remarkable Phenomenon...a Chapter of similar ones. A writer in the Staunton Spectator, dating at Lewisburg, Greenbrier county, Va., Sept. 15th, writes to that paper a description of a remarkable atmospheric phenomenon witnessed in that town. It was seen by our pickets a few miles from the town. The same scene has been described in several respectable papers, the editors of which all vouch for the reliability of their informants. The writer says: A remarkable phenomenon was witnessed a few miles west of this place, at the house of Mrs. Pearey, on the first day of this month, at about 3 o'clock P. M., by Mr. Moses Dwyer, her neighbor, who happened to be scatted in her porch at the time, as well as by others at or near the house. The weather was quite hot and dry, not a cloud could be seen, no wind even ruffled the foliage on the surrounding trees. All things being propitious, the grand panorama began to move. Just over and through the tops of the trees on the
Hastings (Michigan, United States) (search for this): article 1
dies) and a servant girl witnessed this strange phenomenon. W. P. S.--On the 14th inst the same scene, almost identical, was seen by eight or ten of our pickets at Bunger's Mill, and by many of the citizens in that neighborhood, this is about four miles cast of Pearcy's. It was about one hour passing. a writer in the Spectator argues that the phenomenon described above was a mirage, and gives the following similar instances. 1st. On July 26th, 1797, about 5 P. M., at Hastings, on the south coast of England, a large portion of the coast of France appeared to a number of observers so distinctly, that sailors, who were spectators of the scene, pointed out to the narrator and witness of the phenomenon a number of places easily recognized with the naked eye, but further increased in distinctness by the use of the telescope. Places known as the Bay, the Old Head, and Dover Cliffs, even the French fishing boats, and portions of the French coast at a distance from 80 t
Jacob Eizenhower (search for this): article 1
Shooting affray. --Yesterday afternoon, about 6 o'clock, a shooting affray occurred between Jacob Eizenhower and John T. Davidson, two engineers on the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, near the corner of 7th and Broad sts. Eizenhower fired five times at Davidson, who had a pistol drawn, but not being able to make it go off could not return the fire. D. narrowly escaped with his life, receiving a slight wound in the face, having one of his fingers shot off, and still another ball penetrating his clothing and falling down into his boot. Eizenhower was not arrested. The affray grew out of an old difficulty.
John T. Davidson (search for this): article 1
Shooting affray. --Yesterday afternoon, about 6 o'clock, a shooting affray occurred between Jacob Eizenhower and John T. Davidson, two engineers on the Richmond and Fredericksburg railroad, near the corner of 7th and Broad sts. Eizenhower fired five times at Davidson, who had a pistol drawn, but not being able to make it go off could not return the fire. D. narrowly escaped with his life, receiving a slight wound in the face, having one of his fingers shot off, and still another ball penetrating his clothing and falling down into his boot. Eizenhower was not arrested. The affray grew out of an old difficulty.
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