Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 6, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sampson Jones or search for Sampson Jones in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: October 6, 1863., [Electronic resource], Confederate prisoners in Northern prisons. (search)
Ass't Adjutant Hill, of Robertson's brigade. A C E Groghan, Aide-de-camp to Maj Gen A R Trimble. Chaplains Gilmore, Hardy, and Cannon. The Rev Peter Tinsley, formerly of Petersburg, Chaplain of the 11th Va infantry. Rev P C Morton, Chaplain of the 23d Va infantry. Rev Mr. Whitten, of the 3d Ala. The Revs. Messrs. Robinson and Murphy, and many other ministers of the Gospel, whose names were not obtained. Drs Lloyd, Rives, Secon, Read, and Harrison, and Dr. N M Read, of the C S Navy. Capt Jones. Lt Dooley, of Richmond, 1st Va regiment. The following are charged with recruiting in the Yankee lines: Major Armsey and Lieut. Davis. Captain Leopold, of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart's staff. Capt. Compton, of Clarke county, Va. Capt. C. was sentenced to be hung in July last, and the scaffold upon which he was to be hanged is still standing in Fort McHenry. He was respited by Lincoln two days before the time fixed for the execution. Captain C. is in very delicate health, and unless