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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 21, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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Heintzelman (search for this): article 1
wa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. Meade telegraphs to his friends at Washington that he captured five pieces of artillery, two stand of colors, and 450 prisoners. Miscellaneous. One thousand men from the convalescent camp at Washington were detailed on the 15th to throw up fortifications south of the Potomac. Major-Gen. Anger is temporarily in command of the troops around Washington, Gen, Heintzelman being sick. The Yankee journals say Gen. Meade has arrived at Manassas, where he will give the rebels all they desire if they give him a chance. Here, they say, he can be reinforced from Washington with 30,000 men if necessary. Affairs in Rosecrans's army are reported to be without interest.
tone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. Meade telegraphs to his friends at Washington that he captured five pieces of artillery, two stand of colors, and 450 prisoners. Miscellaneous. One thousand men from the convalescent camp at Washington were detailed on the 15th to throw up fort camp at Washington were detailed on the 15th to throw up fortifications south of the Potomac. Major-Gen. Anger is temporarily in command of the troops around Washington, Gen, Heintzelman being sick. The Yankee journals say Gen. Meade has arrived at Manassas, where he will give the rebels all they desire if they give him a chance. Here, they say, he can be reinforced from Washington with 30,000 men if necessary. Affairs in Rosecrans's army are reported to be without interest.
s. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati foot up 6,476 majority for Brough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. MeadStone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. Meade telegraphs to his friends at Washington that he captured five pieces of artillery, two stand of colors, and 450 prisoners. Miscellaneous. One thousand men from the convalescent camp at Washington were detailed on the 15th to throw up fortifications south of the Potomac. Major-Gen. Anger is temporarily in command of the troops around Washington, Gen, Heintzelman being sick. The Yankee journals say Gen. Meade has arrived at Manassas, where he will give the rebels all they des
October 16th (search for this): article 1
Later from the North. The following are extracts from a New York paper of Friday last, October 16th, two days later intelligence: Pennsylvania Elections. Philadelphia, October. 15. --The Union League have reports from most of the State, and conceding to Woodward the majorities claimed for him by the Democrats in the portion of the State yet unheard from, the result figures up as follows: Curtin (Lincoln)55,308. Woodward (Dem.)34,884. Curtin's majority20,422. Lunty 6,650, and in Clearfield 850. Bradford county is reported at 4,000 for Curtin. In Allegheny county Curtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. Curtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio Elections. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati foot up 6,476 majority for Brough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1
Later from the North. The following are extracts from a New York paper of Friday last, October 16th, two days later intelligence: Pennsylvania Elections. Philadelphia, October. 15. --The Union League have reports from most of the State, and conceding to Woodward the majorities claimed for him by the Democrats in the portion of the State yet unheard from, the result figures up as follows: Curtin (Lincoln)55,308. Woodward (Dem.)34,884. Curtin's majority20,422. Later returns make Woodward's majority in Barks county 6,650, and in Clearfield 850. Bradford county is reported at 4,000 for Curtin. In Allegheny county Curtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. Curtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio Elections. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati foot up 6,476 majority for Brough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six coun
days later intelligence: Pennsylvania Elections. Philadelphia, October. 15. --The Union League have reports from most of the State, and conceding to Woodward the majorities claimed for him by the Democrats in the portion of the State yet unheard from, the result figures up as follows: Curtin (Lincoln)55,308. Woodward (Dem.)34,884. Curtin's majority20,422. Later returns make Woodward's majority in Barks county 6,650, and in Clearfield 850. Bradford county is reported at 4,000 for Curtin. In Allegheny county Curtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. Curtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio ElectWoodward's majority in Barks county 6,650, and in Clearfield 850. Bradford county is reported at 4,000 for Curtin. In Allegheny county Curtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. Curtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio Elections. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati foot up 6,476 majority for Brough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority
ocrats in the portion of the State yet unheard from, the result figures up as follows: Curtin (Lincoln)55,308. Woodward (Dem.)34,884. Curtin's majority20,422. Later returns make WoodwCurtin's majority20,422. Later returns make Woodward's majority in Barks county 6,650, and in Clearfield 850. Bradford county is reported at 4,000 for Curtin. In Allegheny county Curtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. CurtinCurtin. In Allegheny county Curtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. Curtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio Elections. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati fCurtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. Curtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio Elections. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati foot up 6,476 majority for Brough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State wilCurtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio Elections. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati foot up 6,476 majority for Brough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. Meade telegraphs to his friends at Washington that
adford county is reported at 4,000 for Curtin. In Allegheny county Curtin's majority will be 7,500 and may reach 8,000. Curtin's majority in Potter county is 800. Ohio Elections. Cincinnati, Oct. 16. --Seventy-one counties give Brough (Lincolnite) 6,476 majority.--The complete returns of the city of Cincinnati foot up 6,476 majority for Brough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. SBrough. Iowa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. Meade telegraphs to his friends at Washington that he captured five pieces of artillery, two stand of colors, and 450 prisoners. Miscellaneous. One thousand men from the convalescent camp at Washington were detailed on the 15th to throw up fortifications south of the Potomac. Major-Gen. Anger is tempora
wa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. Meade telegraphs to his friends at Washington that he captured five pieces of artillery, two stand of colors, and 450 prisoners. Miscellaneous. One thousand men from the convalescent camp at Washington were detailed on the 15th to throw up fortifications south of the Potomac. Major-Gen. Anger is temporarily in command of the troops around Washington, Gen, Heintzelman being sick. The Yankee journals say Gen. Meade has arrived at Manassas, where he will give the rebels all they desire if they give him a chance. Here, they say, he can be reinforced from Washington with 30,000 men if necessary. Affairs in Rosecrans's army are reported to be without interest.
owa Elections. In twenty-six counties of Iowa the vote of Stone (Lincolnite) is 1,998 ahead of his Democratic competitor. Stone's majority in the State will be from 12,000 to 15,000. The fight at Bristol Station. The Yankees claim a decided victory at Bristol Station, Va., on Thursday last. Meade telegraphs to his friends at Washington that he captured five pieces of artillery, two stand of colors, and 450 prisoners. Miscellaneous. One thousand men from the convalescent camp at Washington were detailed on the 15th to throw up fortifications south of the Potomac. Major-Gen. Anger is temporarily in command of the troops around Washington, Gen, Heintzelman being sick. The Yankee journals say Gen. Meade has arrived at Manassas, where he will give the rebels all they desire if they give him a chance. Here, they say, he can be reinforced from Washington with 30,000 men if necessary. Affairs in Rosecrans's army are reported to be without interest.
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