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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 21, 1863., [Electronic resource].

Found 468 total hits in 221 results.

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Rockingham (search for this): article 1
Notice --Ranaway from the subscriber, Tuesday, 15th inst, a negro man named Len. Said boy is about medium height, 18 or 20 years old, complexion very dark. He was purchased in Richmond in November last, and perhaps is trying to work towards his old home, which is in Madison county, Va. I will give $25 for his apprehension, if in this State, and $50 if taken in the State of Virginia, or if lodged in jail so that I can get him. He had on when he left two shirts--one checked, the other white, both badly worn; pants nearly worn out, one pair drawers, barefooted, and cap made out of gray homespun cloth. No marks recollected, except a few with the lash. Has a pleasing countenance when spoken to, but full and low formed. W Allen Stokes, Wentworth, Rockingham co, N C. oc 21--d1tw2t*
Allen Stokes (search for this): article 1
Notice --Ranaway from the subscriber, Tuesday, 15th inst, a negro man named Len. Said boy is about medium height, 18 or 20 years old, complexion very dark. He was purchased in Richmond in November last, and perhaps is trying to work towards his old home, which is in Madison county, Va. I will give $25 for his apprehension, if in this State, and $50 if taken in the State of Virginia, or if lodged in jail so that I can get him. He had on when he left two shirts--one checked, the other white, both badly worn; pants nearly worn out, one pair drawers, barefooted, and cap made out of gray homespun cloth. No marks recollected, except a few with the lash. Has a pleasing countenance when spoken to, but full and low formed. W Allen Stokes, Wentworth, Rockingham co, N C. oc 21--d1tw2t*
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Notice --Ranaway from the subscriber, Tuesday, 15th inst, a negro man named Len. Said boy is about medium height, 18 or 20 years old, complexion very dark. He was purchased in Richmond in November last, and perhaps is trying to work towards his old home, which is in Madison county, Va. I will give $25 for his apprehension, if in this State, and $50 if taken in the State of Virginia, or if lodged in jail so that I can get him. He had on when he left two shirts--one checked, the other white, both badly worn; pants nearly worn out, one pair drawers, barefooted, and cap made out of gray homespun cloth. No marks recollected, except a few with the lash. Has a pleasing countenance when spoken to, but full and low formed. W Allen Stokes, Wentworth, Rockingham co, N C. oc 21--d1tw2t*
Madison County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Notice --Ranaway from the subscriber, Tuesday, 15th inst, a negro man named Len. Said boy is about medium height, 18 or 20 years old, complexion very dark. He was purchased in Richmond in November last, and perhaps is trying to work towards his old home, which is in Madison county, Va. I will give $25 for his apprehension, if in this State, and $50 if taken in the State of Virginia, or if lodged in jail so that I can get him. He had on when he left two shirts--one checked, the other white, both badly worn; pants nearly worn out, one pair drawers, barefooted, and cap made out of gray homespun cloth. No marks recollected, except a few with the lash. Has a pleasing countenance when spoken to, but full and low formed. W Allen Stokes, Wentworth, Rockingham co, N C. oc 21--d1tw2t*
Thomas Davis (search for this): article 11
Pig in the bag. --A negro boy, called Thos. Davis, was arrested by officer Bibb for having a live pig in a bag, and offering it for sale. Tom said his mamma had sent him out to dispose of the young grunter, but as he had no note to prove the correctness of his assertion, the Mayor bagged both him and the pig till this morning.
Pig in the bag. --A negro boy, called Thos. Davis, was arrested by officer Bibb for having a live pig in a bag, and offering it for sale. Tom said his mamma had sent him out to dispose of the young grunter, but as he had no note to prove the correctness of his assertion, the Mayor bagged both him and the pig till this morning.
S. Schwartz (search for this): article 12
Correction. --Yesterday, in a local paragraph, it was stated that "suspicion was thrown" on John Werst in connection with the disappearance of some meat from S. Schwartz's stall, and that he was arrested.--This was an error. Mr. Werst voluntarily attended, in Bacon's Quarter Branch, in the county, where an investigation into the facts took place, and the result was that his entire innocence appeared so fully and plainly that he was not even called before the magistrate.
John Werst (search for this): article 12
Correction. --Yesterday, in a local paragraph, it was stated that "suspicion was thrown" on John Werst in connection with the disappearance of some meat from S. Schwartz's stall, and that he was arrested.--This was an error. Mr. Werst voluntarily attended, in Bacon's Quarter Branch, in the county, where an investigation into the facts took place, and the result was that his entire innocence appeared so fully and plainly that he was not even called before the magistrate. Correction. --Yesterday, in a local paragraph, it was stated that "suspicion was thrown" on John Werst in connection with the disappearance of some meat from S. Schwartz's stall, and that he was arrested.--This was an error. Mr. Werst voluntarily attended, in Bacon's Quarter Branch, in the county, where an investigation into the facts took place, and the result was that his entire innocence appeared so fully and plainly that he was not even called before the magistrate.
Heavy Haul. --A man named Burnes was robbed of $800 last Monday night by an acquaintance who lodged with him, and who secured his pocket book and contents and made tracks for other quarters before Burnes awoke. The police were in search of the robber the greater part of the day. Heavy Haul. --A man named Burnes was robbed of $800 last Monday night by an acquaintance who lodged with him, and who secured his pocket book and contents and made tracks for other quarters before Burnes awoke. The police were in search of the robber the greater part of the day.
Halyburton (search for this): article 19
Judge Halyburton, of the C. S. Court, had no business of public importance before him yesterday.
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