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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1863., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 5 total hits in 2 results.
Cary (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 8
The Clothing Bureau,
on 14th street, near Cary, under the charge of Capt. Weisiger, has been carefully arranged, as well for the transaction of business as for the accommodation and convenience of the three thousand ladies who get work there.
Capt. W. says his first object is to give the work of his department to the wives, daughters, and mothers of soldiers in the field, and to enable him to do this he has already called in some five hundred tickets, held by ladies whose supports are not in active service.--The families of detailed men are not equally entitled to the work with those of soldiers, nor are any other class.
Such lists as have been forwarded to us will be sent to the proper bureau, in order that the really needy may have the preference over those ladies who have their husbands and fathers with them, and who can get along without Government patronage.
We are satisfied that all abuses in this office will be remedied as soon as they are discovered, and that Capt
Weisiger (search for this): article 8
The Clothing Bureau,
on 14th street, near Cary, under the charge of Capt. Weisiger, has been carefully arranged, as well for the transaction of business as for the accommodation and convenience of the three thousand ladies who get work there.
Capt. W. says his first object is to give the work of his department to the wives, daughters, and mothers of soldiers in the field, and to enable him to do this he has already called in some five hundred tickets, held by ladies whose supports are no the preference over those ladies who have their husbands and fathers with them, and who can get along without Government patronage.
We are satisfied that all abuses in this office will be remedied as soon as they are discovered, and that Capt. Weisiger will do all in his power to aid soldiers' families in providing for themselves the necessaries of life.
After they are served the surplus work, if any, will be given to helpless widows and other ladies who live only by their needles, and who