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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.
Found 1 total hit in 1 results.
Chichester (search for this): article 13
Siege of Charleston.
--This is the two hundredth day of the siege of Charleston.
The Courier, of Thursday last, says:
The enemy continues the bombardment of the city with slight intermissions.
The shells thrown are still the Wiard rifle and 100 pounder Parrotts, fired at intervals of about one every ten minutes. One hundred and thirty-four shots were fired at the city from half-past 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon to half-past 5 o'clock Wednesday evening. We learn that a private of the Gist Guard, Capt. Chichester's company, First S. C. Artillery, was instantly killed last evening by the explosion of a Wiard rifle shell.
This is the first instance of a white person having been killed outright by a shell since the bombardment of the city.
The name of the man was not ascertained at the time of writing our report.
A negro was also reported severely wounded on Tuesday.