Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 29, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Sampson Jones or search for Sampson Jones in all documents.

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he Commonwealth and Col. Smoot, in response to a resolution calling for information concerning the State purchases in Europe, which were referred. The following bills were introduced from the Committee for Courts of Justice: A bill to amend the 16th and 17th sections of chapter 103 of the Code, in relation to the emancipation of slaves. A bill to prevent and punish the transportation of slaves in canal boats, &c., without the consent of their owners. Mr. McCue presented the petition of the Sheriff of Augusta county asking for the detail or exemption of five deputies. Mr. Robertson of Richmond, presented the petition of Sampson Jones in relation to a contract made for furnishing the Public Guard with subsistence, and praying relief from the action of the late Governor appointing another. The bill appropriating one million of dollars for the relief of families of soldiers within the lines of the public enemy, was under discussion at the hour of adjournment.