Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 1, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Singapore (Singapore) or search for Singapore (Singapore) in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: March 1, 1864., [Electronic resource], Yankee Raids on the Virginia Central railroad--damage thus far Trifling — Exciting rumors of the enemy's movements. (search)
port of Amoy, China, as reported several days ago. The last regular report of the whereabouts of the vessel, came by the way of Suez. Alluding to this a statement is given from the New York Merchants' Exchange and News Room, as follows: Singapore, Jan. 4.--The Alabama left this port on the 24th ult., and afterwards, in the Straits of Malacca, burned the British ship Martaban, from Moulmein, and American ships Sonora and Highlander The distance from Singapore to Amoy is some 2,000 mSingapore to Amoy is some 2,000 miles, and Captains Baker and Ranlett, both old and experienced China shipmasters, state that it would be impossible for the Alabama to reach Amoy in nine days, in the face of a heavy monsoon. Lincoln in Maryland. An unconditional Union Convention, held in Temperance Temple, Baltimore city, adopted the following resolutions: Resolved, That this Convention recognizes the spotless integrity, the unsullied patriotism, and thorough devotion to the Union, which have signalized the cour