Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 12, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for James B. Pleasants or search for James B. Pleasants in all documents.

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Burglar caught. --It will be recollected that one night about a week ago the smoke house of Major William Allen, on Leigh street, between 7th and 8th, was broken into and robbed of a quantity of sausage, lard, bacon, beef tongues, &c. Yesterday officer Davis and Capt. James B. Pleasants, of the night watch, received information that Robert Patterson, a white man living over Russell's stable on Wall street, was the thief, and immediately went in search of him. They found him and a woman named Amanda Logan in a room in the third story over the stable mentioned, and in the room, on search, found the sausage, lard, and most of the stolen articles. As Davis was bringing Patterson down the stairs, the latter jumped out of the 2d story back window and tried to escape by running. Davis followed him out of the window and pursued him and shot at him as he went up the alley leading to the Exchange Hotel. The bullet missed him, but came close enough to him to warn him that the alley was n