Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Taylor or search for Taylor in all documents.

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mmander of the gunboat Petral and 25 other Yankees, captured by Wirt Adams, arrived here to-day. Mobile, May 8.--The Shreveport News, of the 15th, contains Gen. Taylor's congratulatory address of the victory of the 8th and 9th, at Mansfield, and claims a complete victory. Also, an order relative to the death of Gens. Mouton and Green, in which Gen. Taylor claims the victories at Mansfield and Pleasant Hill. Gen. Green was killed at Blair's landing. An election was held here yesterday for Missouri members — Snead and Conrow had no opposition. Morton, in the 2d district 100 majority. Clarke, 3d district, 161 majority. Vest, 5th district, 130 maj Gen. Green was killed at Blair's landing. An election was held here yesterday for Missouri members — Snead and Conrow had no opposition. Morton, in the 2d district 100 majority. Clarke, 3d district, 161 majority. Vest, 5th district, 130 majority.--Freeman, 6th district, 113 majority. Taylor, 7th district, 102 majorit
Salute. Mobile, May 3. --The Louisianian on this station fired a salute of 13 guns to-day in honor of Gen. Taylor's victory.